Handy English Encoder Decoder

encoderdecoder2.jpgencoderdecoder1.jpgBy Harvy Bluedorn


All the Spelling and Phonics Rules You Could Ever Want to Know 104pages 11x20cm
Take the mystery out of spelling and reading! Is it??their, ????they’re, ?? or??there ??;??accept ?? or??except ??;??advice ?? or??advise ??? What are the five ways the??j ?? sound can be spelled? These questions and more are answered in Trivium Pursuit’s newest book Handy English Encoder Decoder: All the Spelling and Phonics Rules You Could Ever Want to Know by Harvey Bluedorn.
English spelling employs several different and sometimes complex codes and rules for representing sounds. How this all works is a mystery to many people. Encoder Decoder solves this mystery by conveniently arranging these codes and rules in an easy and accessible format.
Students, teachers, writers, and speakers will find the Encoder Decoder handy for looking up any spelling or phonics rule. Encoder Decoder collects in one place what is needed to become a better speller and a more proficient reader.
This one little volume contains:

  • more than 60 categorized spelling rules;
  • over 200 phonics rules;
  • rules for dividing words into syllables;
  • commonly confused spellings and word pairs;
  • spelling and phonics games; and much more.

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