William Lane Craig New Zealand Tour 2008

William Lane Craig is arguably one of the finest Christian philosophers of our time. His knowledge and skill have placed him on platforms on every continent, engaging the most notable skeptics in dialogue and debate. Ravi Zacharias.

Tuesday 10 June

Wellington, Lunchtime Q&A session with Christian Academics (12pm-1pm).

Wellington, Public Lecture, “Do we still need God in a self-sufficient age?” (7pm).

Wednesday 11- Saturday 14 June

Wellington, Victoria University, Conference: “Molinism: The Contemporary Debate“.

Saturday 14 June

Live Interview on Radio NZ National with Kim Hill (8.15am).

Sunday 15 June

Palmerston North, “A Perfectly Reasonable Faith”, Two Combined Morning Church Services (additional details here) (Central Baptist Church and Crossroads) (9am and 10:45am). Cost = FREE.

Palmerston North, Evening Church Service: “Does suffering disprove existence of a good and powerful God?“, Christian Community Church (map) (7pm-8:30pm). Cost = FREE.

Monday 16 June

Auckland, “A Critical Response to Richard Dawkins“, Lecture at LR1, Bible College on New Zealand, 80 Central Park Drive, Henderson (7pm).

Tuesday 17 June

Auckland, Debate with Bill Cooke, President of NZARH at Auckland University (7pm).

Auckland, Philosophy Department Seminar (pending).

A copy of the Auckland Dr William Lane Craig v Dr Bill Cooke debate on “Is
God a Delusion?” is now available online here:


Wednesday 18 June

Tauranga, “Christian Apologetics: Who needs it?” Bethlehem Community Church Centre, 183 Moffat Road (1pm-3pm).

Tauranga, “Is God a Delusion?“, Bethlehem Community Church Centre, 183 Moffat Road (7pm).

Thursday 19 June

Palmerston North, “Is God a Delusion?” – a public debate between Bill Cooke, vice president of the NZ Assoc. of Rationalists and Humanists, and William Lane Craig. The Regent Theatre on Broadway, Outreach at Town Hall (7pm-8:45pm). Cost = FREE.

Friday 20 June

Palmerston North, “Creation or Coincidence: The biggest question?”, a public lecture at the Russell Room at Wharerata at Massey University, (12:10pm-1:30pm). Cost = FREE.

Friday 20 June (7:30pm-9pm)

Palmerston North, “Who was Jesus of Nazareth?”, An evening of conversation and public outreach service with William Lane Craig, St. Albans Church, 339 Albert Street, Palmerston North. Cost = FREE.