Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn
$23.00 including postage
2nd edition
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233 page Soft Cover Book
36 Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning Learn how to spot the errors in thinking that you meet everyday. Designed for ages 13 through adult and for parents and children to do together, there are exercises to stretch your abilities for detecting fallacies in its 233 pages and includes The Fallacy Detective Game.
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Learn about the ways we all avoid the issue before us by using red herrings, ad hominems and straw men, etc., and how we make assumptions, commit statistical fallacies and use manipulative propaganda. What an eye-opener this book is! Learn to recognize faulty thinking in yourself as well as in others!
The book works on the principles of moving from the known to the unknown and from the simple to the complex. It is easy to progress through it, and there are plenty of reviews and interesting exercises to help us retain the concepts. Geared for ages 13 plus, it is designed so that groups can go through it together, and Mums and Dads can sit on the couch with Johnny and Jane as they read the chapters and complete the questions. Comes complete with a
comprehensive answer key and the promise of a fun ‘fallacy detective game’ which can be played once the concepts have been learned. Softcover. 233 pages.
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