Comments from the Palmerston North Diana Waring Conference
*Diana’s personality, experience, public speaking – Brilliant
*Refreshing and motivating conference – well done
*Browsing through book stands, meeting and talking with others
*Diana’s talks were applicable to all ages and all “types” of Home Educators
*Loved Diana’s wisdom, enthusiasm, stories, laughter and smiles and mostly her heart for God and home schooling
*Reminder that the relationship with my child matters a lot! Who you are is more important than what you do – Academics
*Diana Waring is a breath of fresh air at a time of year when I often feel weary and uninspired. I have once again felt challenged to cherish my children and to allow creativity and love of learning. Reminding me that I am not to be a slave of the curriculum but it is there to serve us.
*Loved all Diana’s talks and stories. The conference was motivational!
*How practical and “real” Diana is. Certainly realistic and do-able at home.
*Love the printed notes
*The experience the speakers have in homeschooling (Diana and the Panel)
*The wonderful resources
*Encouraging and uplifting speakers
*Panel discussion offered real world experience
*Encouragement, refreshment of my heart, great ideas
*Diana was inspiring
Next conference:
Kendra Fletcher
*We need to do this regularly!