Keystone Magazine October 2010

Keystone Magazine October 2010

Edited by Craig S. Smith

38 page Journal.
The 21cm x 29.7cm (A4 sized), 38 pages

Contents October 2010:

Feature Family: Stephen & Andrea Thierry, from Geelong, VIC, Australia

The Faith of Us Fathers: 15 Things a Father Must Do with His Son, Part 4, Final by Craig Smith

Teaching Tips: One Myth & Two Truths: Nurturing Competent Communicators by Andrew Pudewa

Bits of Books: The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum by Rousas J. Rushdoony – Humanism as an Educational World View

Home Education Research: A Revealing Review

When the Going Gets Tough: Outrageously Rebellious Children, Part 2 by Jenny Waldron

Over a Cuppa: Lies Public Schools Tell — Part 9 by Patricia Alspach

Parenting Tips: Preventing & Regaining the Rebellious Heart by Craig & Barbara Smith

Random Notes:  Everything We Think About Schooling Is Wrong, Part 3 (Final)

An Interview with John Taylor Gatto

The DARE Programme in Schools


DIANA WARING a veteran of more than 10 years as a key-note speaker to home school conventions said, We LOVE Keystone!! Its a fabulous magazine for Home Schoolers!

JOHN ANGELICO editor of the Australian Home Schooling newsletter Families Honouring Christ said, This top quality journal of international ranking comes out of New Zealand.

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