The Christchurch Ministry of Education (MoE) office is closed at the moment. If you ring them you will be redirected to Wellington. In the meantime if you need to get an exemption please contact the Dunedin or Nelson Offices.
19 Haven Road
Nelson 7010
Tel: (03) 546 3470
Fax: (03) 539 1501
email: [no spam]
414 Moray Place
Private Bag 1971
Dunedin 9054
Tel: (03) 471 5200
Fax: (03) 471 5201
email: [no spam]
The Government is working on a package for education. So if you are affected by the earthquake and want to keep your family together rather than sending your children to school then home schooling is a real option for you.
More information on this shortly.