“Science by Design” tour
with Dr Jay Wile |
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Back by popular demand!
Dr Jay Wile is an International conference speaker and the author of the popular “Exploring Creation with…” textbooks. This will be Dr Wile’s second visit to NZ. |
Sunday 12th (evening) & Monday 13th June, 2011
Hope Community Church
Ranzau Road
Richmond, Nelson
Registrations: Charmaine Wratt charcol@orcon.net.nz
Enquiries: Gabrielle Blakemore blakemorenz@gmail.com
Sunday 12 June
6.30pm | Venue Opens for meet & greet and resource viewing |
7.00pm | “Creation versus Evolution: Religion versus Science or Religion versus Religion”
In this seminar, Dr. Wile explores the complicated Creation Versus Evolution debate. He discusses Christian attempts to make the Genesis account compatible with the theory of evolution and shows how these attempts fail. He then proceeds to show that this is not at all a problem for someone who is both a Christian and a scientist. He discusses evolutionists attempts to explain away this data and how such attempts fail. Perhaps the most intriguing part of this seminar comes when Dr. Wile details some of the fantastic life forms on this planet whose existence can never be explained using the theory of evolution. |
8.30pm | Supper |
Monday 13 June
8.30am | Venue Opens for registrations and resource viewing |
9.00am | “Ask the Beasts”
In this seminar, Dr. Wile will talk about Job 12:7-10, which begins by commanding the reader to “Ask the beasts.” In his view, this Scripture is telling us that we must study nature to fully understand God. While God’s divine revelation (the Bible) is clearly more detailed and precise than His natural revelation (creation), both are necessary to have a full and complete understanding of God. He will give a bit of history to show you that this was the motivation for many of the great scientists of the past, and some great scientists of the present. He then draws from fields such as astronomy, microbiology, zoology, and botany to share at least a bit of what science tells us about God. |
10.15am | Morning Tea and resource viewing |
10.45am | “The Earth: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made”
How does a poisonous gas make it possible for life to exist on earth? Why should we be reminded of God’s love for us every time we look at a compass? Because from the interior structure of the earth to its atmosphere, our planet has been designed by God so that it is the perfect place for us to live. In this talk, Dr. Wile discussed the various design features scientists find in the earth that make it very clear the earth was not the result of chance. This talk is a great way to finish our Auckland conference by marvelling at the intricacies of creation! |
12.00pm | Lunch an resource viewing
Vendors: LearnEX |
1.30pm | “Ecohysteria”
In this seminar, Dr. Wile discusses the facts related to the environmental debate that is currently raging in America. Because the hysteria related to global warming has become so rampant in the past few years, he spends most of his time on this hot-button issue. He discusses data related to global temperatures, climate models, glaciers, and polar bear populations to demonstrate that most of what you hear in regards to climate is simply not supported by science. In addition, he provides you with quotes from respected climatologists who are currently doing research in the field to show you that there is no scientific consensus on global warming. This is mostly due to our lack of understanding when it comes to very basic issues related to global climate. If you have been scared by what you have heard from the likes of Former Vice President Al Gore, you should definitely hear this talk! |
3.00pm | Afternoon Tea – Vendor stalls open for last opportunity to browse and/or purchase |
3.30pm | Conference concludes |
From the North
From the South
From the West
Take Highway 6 south from Richmond 4 kms, Turn right into Ranzau Rd, 1km on left is Hope Community Church. | Take Highway 6 north toward Richmond. Turn left into Ranzau Rd, 1km on left is Hope Community Church. | Take Highway 60 towards Richmond. Turn right into either Bartlett Rd or Pughs Rd. Turn left into Ranzau Rd. Hope Community Church is on your right |
Choose the relevant attendance option:
Sunday evening only:
Family; $10
Teen not attending with family; $5
BONUS: Youth Group Discount – $45 for a group of 10 (Youth Groups must pre-register and prepay to qualify for the group discount)
Supper is provided
Full conference:
Family; $35
Teen not attending with family; $5
Morning and afternoon tea is provided for all conference attendees. Feel free to BYO lunch.
BONUS: Registering for the full conference entitles you to FREE attendance on Sunday evening
NB This event is pitched at teens upwards but it may also be suitable for very interested 11 & 12 year olds. Parents must take responsibility for their children at all times.
Childcare will be provided during the morning and afternoon sessions, but please make arrangements to collect your children over the lunch break.
Pre-registration is encouraged for those who are attending the full conference