2012 Auckland Regional Opportunities for Home Educating Families

KEY DATES FOR 2012 in the Auckland Region
Below are some key events co-ordinated by Auckland Home Educators Inc, your regional network.  So get out that shiny new diary/electronic gadget and note them down now so you and your family can be included.  They’re open to everyone so do forward to your contacts, that friend who’s always wanted to know more, the friends/family/neighbours you’d like to invite along!  Just watch out for separate notification and further details about each event – at least the date will already be in your diary.
Mon 16 Jan 7.00pm to 9.00pm – AHE Information Session – Greenlane (fully booked – held regularly so look out for more)
Wed 25 Jan 7.00pm to 9.00pm – AHE/Ministry of Education Forum: The Exemption Process – Mt Eden
Wed 7 Mar – Inaugural AHE Auckland Regional Art Fair – Mt Albert War Memorial Hall
March – date to be advised – AHE Science Fair Workshop
July – date to be advised – 6th Annual AHE Auckland Regional Science & Technology Fair
Tue 18 Sep – 7th Annual AHE Auckland Regional History Fair
WHY GO TO REGIONAL EVENTS?  I wrote an article for the last AHE members’ newsletter about this.  Since it’s particularly relevant to your family – and hopefully inspiring as you embark on a new year – I’d like to share it with you here.  I really encourage you to share your home educating lifestyle and journey with many others, and feel sure we’ll catch you at an event or two throughout the year.
Here’s to a great start to 2012!

Dawn Headley
P:  09 579 8920       M:  027 435 8922
Auckland Home Educators Inc
networking across Auckland’s region & beyond
for current and prospective home educators

find us on Facebook here


From the Smiths:


Updated 10 December 2011: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling: