Scotland is no longer a land of freedom. The Scottish Parliament passed a bill today called the “Children and Young People (Scotland) bill.” This bill states that every child under the age of 18 will have a state appointed ‘named person’ who will engage in ‘corporate parenting.’ The purpose of this bill is to ensure that all children are taught and raised in a manner approved by the Scottish state.

Children’s Minister Aileen Campbell, pictured with Education Secretary Mike Russell, said the bill would transform family services in Scotland
“Increased provision of free childcare is part of a package of reforms which have been approved by MSPs.
“Increasing support for young people in care and the appointment of a “guardian” for every child in Scotland also form part of the bill.
“The bill will see an increase in free childcare for three, four and vulnerable two-year-olds, from 475 to 600 hours – around 16 hours per week – from August.
“A bid from Labour to give vulnerable two-year-olds a legal right to care was defeated at the committee stage, as was a Tory proposal to guarantee that all children get two years of nursery care before school, regardless of when their birthday falls. (Watch for this to come up again in the future)
“The bill will also extend free school meals to all children in the first three years of primary school, from January 2015.
“Meanwhile, the plan to appoint a so-called guardian for every Scottish child has been opposed by some religious groups and the Conservatives.
“The proposal to appoint specific named persons from the NHS and councils to monitor every young person’s well-being from birth to 18 is considered one of the most controversial aspects of the bill.
“Both the Church of Scotland and the Evangelical Alliance Scotland said the bill raised concerns about diminishing the position of parents and increasing the role of the state in modern society.
“Conservative education spokeswoman Liz Smith tabled a last-minute amendment that will be debated before MSPs vote.
“Ms Campbell insisted appointing a named person for every child would “provide a safety net for those who need one”. (But take away the freedoms of most families)
“The debate on the Children and Young People Bill can be watched on demand at BBC Scotland’s Democracy Live website.

The debate as it happened in the Scottish parliament
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New Zealand Politicians have been talking about this too. Craig wrote about it a lot in TEACH Bulletins.
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Updated 2 February 2013: One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here
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So generations of State Educated adults are now so inept as parents that the State has to increase its role as ‘parent’ to cover for its own failure…how typically ‘logical’! And this country is no better; talk to most State Educated adults and they’ll say there’s nothing wrong with it…after all, look how well they themselves turned out! Blind leaders of the blind.
And ‘Christian’ parents continue to wash their hands as their children grow up and turn their backs on Jesus, saying “I did my best, and they have to make their own decisions. It is not my fault.” No, you did not your best…with Christ all things are possible and you did not even try! You put your own selfish life first…you did not believe…you sold your children to Satan for the sake of Gain! Repent! Is the truth too hard to swallow? Woe to you! According to Jesus those who cause children to stumble from the truth ought to have a millstone hung about their necks and be tossed into the sea! Jesus said to cut off those people who cause children to stumble…and we justify handing our children over to them so we can pursue our own lusts? What? Is there no Judge, is there no Judgment?
It is the last time. This generation is like a groggy man or woman, asleep in bed while the house burns down. Wake up! Wake up! You are dying, your house is burning down! “Oh, why are you bothering my sleep? Don’t you know what time it is? Leave me alone, I’m naked in bed! I need my beauty rest. Go away!” Wake up! Wake up!