ID072 – Submission in Dress

Dear Girls,

The next newsletter is attached as a pdf id072-submission-in-dress.pdf and the text from the pdf follows this note. To see the photos you will need to open the pdf.

The web address has changed to access and read previous newsletters. The new address is:



Letter regarding the New Zealand Girls for Christ Conference in the North Island in 08

Dear Girls for Christ North Island attendees and families,

This is the final week for booking. Get in quick! There will not be another North Island GFC conference for some time – tentitive booking for Sept 2009. This one is from 21-24 January 2008 in the Auckland area. A registration form is attached.

We have some great speakers and craft activities this year, and I’m sure you will enjoy your time with us! The Chosen Valley camp also has a great outdoor lake, canoes, waterslide, flying fox etc so you can spend time enjoying Gods creation and making new likeminded friends at the same time.

Please contact me as soon as possible as the camp would like our final numbers very soon.

You may register via email and pay online if you so desire.

Thank you and God Bless you as you prayerfully consider coming this year.

Amy Lauder (GFC Conference Co-Ordinator)

P.S. A note to the South Islanders here – A new Registration form for our South Island Woodend 2008 GFC conf (21st-24th March) will be posted online this Thursday Lord willing. Remember not to paste this address in google search bars, only in the address panel at the top of your web search page.

Thanks and God Bless you all! ~Looking forward to seeing you all again in March:-)

Amy L.

I am still collecting blogs and websites and details of any ministries you are involved in!

Last week I mentioned that I had noticed that many of you who receive the Issacharian Daughters newsletter are also involved in ministering to or encouraging or exhorting other young women in other ways – such as through a newsletter or a magazine or a website or blog. If that includes you please feel free to send me an email giving me the name of your newsletter or book or website along with a quick paragraph with your name and location and a piece explaining the vision/purpose behind your blog. Lord willing I’ll compile a list and share it with all the other Issacharian Daughters.

More questions for suitors

· How do you feel about the medical system? Would you be willing to trust the Father for healing in a life and death situation?

· What do you think about birthing children at home?

· What do you think about a healthy diet? Would you be willing for your family to spend more money on food and items that would be more natural and healthy for them? Or do you prefer cheap, junky foods?

· What are your thoughts on being self-sufficient? Off the grid?

· If the economy collapsed, would you be able to provide for your family? Could you garden your own food? Kill your own animals?

· What do you think about prayer? Do you want to pray with your wife? With your children?

· What do you think about being filled with the Holy Spirit? About spiritual warfare? Demonic principalities?

· Have you ever dabbled in other religions, such as witchcraft, New Age, etc?

Thanks Hannah for these questions!

Regarding ID071 – Glorifying God by Honouring Parents

Thank you so much for this issue! It was just what I needed to read to push me onward in the upward walk. He who searches our hearts (Rom. 8) knew that! The Master bless you for your sharpening of our lives!

~Melanie from the USA

Book recommendations

Hello dear sisters in the Master, I have discovered two VERY helpful things for us daughters of the King in our walk toward Him. The first is an audio series called “The Making of a Princess” by Dora Esh. The very helpful topics are on modesty, our attitudes, and our relationships. In the tapes on modesty, there are many different opinions on what is presented. You can be modest and feminine lots of times with lace and pleats, so just weigh everything you hear as always with the Scripture and your father’s desires for you. Overall, this set changed my life! The set is available online for free from: .

And the second tool is a book entitled Beautiful Girlhood, by Mabel Hale. This encouraging book is a treasure box full of gems of advice for the transition time from girlhood to womanhood. More than 16 girls I know have it and many of them have been helped dramatically by Mrs. Hale’s (the author’s) words of wisdom. In fact, one friend says she has read it over 20 times! Mrs. Hale knows so well what we girls think and go through that it is really a comfort to read her book. Written 100 years ago, Beautiful Girlhood is an enjoyable, easy read with true stories throughout. May it become your friend and a valued guide through the years ahead! You can get it from .

From Melanie in the USA

Monday, 7 January 2008

Dear Girls,

Submission in Dress

A friend of mine, Lindsay Schultz, a young woman who radiates modesty, femininity and beauty, shares about her journey as she learned about submitting to her father in the area of dress.

“In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works.” 1 Timothy 2:9-11 Modesty. As girls we hear that word often and know that the Bible desires us to dress modestly. But what exactly does that word mean?

The dictionary defines modesty as: “behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.”

Impropriety is defined as: “a failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character”.

Indecent is defined as: “not conforming with generally accepted standards of behavior or propriety; obscene”.

After reading those definitions it seems that we, as Christian young women, should strive to dress in a way that would avoid any implications of impropriety or indecency. So why is it still such an issue among Christian women?

For my mom and me, the lessons of modesty have been long and hard. We are no experts by any means and never will be. The Lord, in His mercy, is still teaching us so much and we have a long way to go.

I would like to share the following letter which includes a short testimony of the Lord using my dad to teach us more about modesty. It was written to a friend of my dad’s after he requested my assistance in helping his daughters to find modest clothing (names have been changed):

“Dear Mr. John Doe and family,

First of all, I would like to say how humbling your letter was. God alone deserves ALL praise!! He has been gracious to show my mom and I, through Dad, of how we should dress. And to be completely honest, we are still learning every day.

I would be very honored to help you and Mrs. Doe in any way I can. Your daughters are special girls. And they are blessed to have parents like you and Mrs. Doe to help them learn godly principals at a young age.

I wanted to share some things with you that the Lord has had to teach me concerning dress, lest you think Mom and I “have it all together”!

Dad has had to have some heavy-duty heart-to-heart talks with mom and me concerning how we dressed. He desired us to make some pretty drastic changes in our wardrobes when I was about 21. When he first came to us with his wishes of how we should change our dress, I fought him tooth and nail!!! I pitched a bona-fide hissy fit!! Weren’t we different enough in everything in the world we did? I felt like we would stick out like a sore thumb.

But over the years, and through Mom’s example of submissiveness to Dad, and through her own dress, the Lord has given me different eyes in the view of clothes. I began to see that Dad absolutely knew what he was talking about. And it didn’t matter how different I looked to the “world” (aren’t we supposed to be different anyway?). What mattered was my obedience to Dad which, in turn, would honor the Lord and help other men to not stumble.

At first I thought it was the men who needed to guard their eyes. But then the Lord showed me how incredibly wrong I was!

Different families have varying opinions on what is “modest”. But the bottom line is: Do the parents’ standards for dress measure up to the Bible? And do the daughters understand what their parents’ wishes are, and are they obeying them inwardly as well as outwardly? (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Your daughters should praise the Lord for a father who desires to protect them as well as other men’s eyes.

What a wonderful, blessed privilege and opportunity Mrs. Doe has to teach your daughters! Titus 2:3-5 states, about older women… “that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husband, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.” Mrs. Doe is the greatest influence your daughters have in their lives. She is the one who will ultimately point them in the way they should go, especially concerning this area.

I hope this helps you to better understand our own journey the Lord has led us on concerning modesty. And like I said, the Lord is still teaching us things. But Mom and I would be honored to help if we can.”

Yes, it is absolutely true, when my dad came to Mom and me and explained how he wanted us to make changes in our wardrobe, I pitched a bona-fide, world-record hissy fit!! And I was not a little girl, I was 21 years old. This proves how much the world and its pleasures had a hold on my heart. I desired so much more to please the world than to please the Lord through my parents. I am now 26, and only now am I truly starting to understand that my dad absolutely knew what he was talking about. Yes, I made the changes in my wardrobe he desired, but my heart was not right. I obeyed him outwardly, but not inwardly.

“Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging of the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel – rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God, also adorned themselves being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.” 1 Peter 3:3-6 I was allowing my adornment to be only outward, my attitude was not “precious in the sight of God”.What truly changed my heart’s attitude of how I dressed was reading the book “Created to be His Helpmeet” by Debi Pearle when I was 24. I finally began to understand how drastically important it is for us, as Christian women, to cultivate a gentle and quiet spirit, and to dress in such a way as to help other men to “guard their eyes”. As I explained in the letter above, I used to think it was the men’s responsibility to guard their own eyes. But that is completely wrong! We, as Christian women, have the blessed responsibility to help our fellow brothers not to stumble.I would like to use the following analogy to help explain how vitally important it is for us, as Christian women, to do everything we possibly can to help our fellow brothers in Christ not to stumble in this area of modesty:

Let’s say, hypothetically, all women love to smoke. It is a known fact that smoking causes cancer and will eventually, over time, lead to death. Most women ignore this fact and enjoy every puff of smoke they inhale. After all, doesn’t every women love to smoke? They know they have many years to enjoy their cigarettes before anything drastic happens to them. So they “enjoy it while they can”. Other women know the truth of what smoking can do and for the benefit of their families and themselves, they refrain from smoking, period. They never again purchase a cigarette and refrain from all appearances of smoking.

Now let’s pretend that any man exposed to the fumes from a cigarette would instantly suffer a heart attack and die. No warnings, no time to escape, only instant death.

Knowing this information, if you were a women, would you smoke in the same room as a man? What if you were in church with other men? Is it the man’s responsibility to flee the church as soon as he sees a woman start “lighting up”?

Or, as a woman, would you realize that at any point in time a man could enter the room or stand next to you outside, and if you were smoking, he would instantly die. Would you take that chance? Would you even hold an unlit cigarette in your hands?

This is what it is like for men when we don’t take every measure and precaution to dress modestly. We are playing with fire and the men are the ones who get “burned”. Yes, men should guard their eyes from lustful things. We all should. But if we are dressing in a defrauding way, we are contributing to their sin. We cannot control what they think, but we can control what they see. We should not be a stumbling block or offend them in any way. We should pray for wisdom and discernment, to help our fellow brothers, in this area.

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9-11 Talk to your parents. Ask them what their wishes are for your manner of dress and if they desire for you to change your wardrobe in any way. Pray for a right attitude and obey them with joy. God has blessed you with parents to love and protect you. If your parents do not have an opinion about this area, ask them for permission to talk to an older, godly woman who can give you advice in this area. Pray that the Lord would help you to cultivate a “gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God”.For the Greater Glory of God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,Genevieve Smith

Issacharian Daughter


I have sent this email to girls who have embraced a vision of victorious daughterhood as well as those who may be thinking about doing so (and even to some girls who may just like some encouragement regarding different areas of home life). Some of the girls are in the USA, UK, Australia and other parts of the world. Most are in New Zealand. You are welcome to forward this email on to others so long as you do so in its entirety. If you do not want to receive these emails please just send a return email to me stating that fact. If you know of other girls who would be encouraged by receiving these emails, feel free to forward the email to them or send me their email address.