We are concerned that there are a number of people who have not been able to contact us over the last few days.
Barbara’s father died on Tuesday morning. Barbara has been down in Christchurch since the beginning of the month. She did take two days out last weekend to speak at the Hamilton THEN Conference and flew back to Christchurch just as the conference was finishing. Craig and the rest of the family are all gathering in Christchurch now.
We wanted to put this up to let people who have ordered books over Trademe and Sella know why you may not have heard from us yet. We are only taking brief looks at our email at the moment and you will have to leave messages on our land line. We are focusing on family at the moment. We have family over from Australia and the States.We are especially enjoying seeing our 5 week old grandson and his 14 month old sister.
If you URGENTLY need to contact us over MoE or ERO issuses you can contact us at 021 027 8 2220 or 021 027 8 2221.
We will be back in Palmerston North late on Monday night. So we will endeavour to contact those who have left messages on our answer phone or emails over the days following that.
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve your loss and spend time with your lovely family. God Bless.