Melbourne Home Education Conference: 11 September 2010

Melbourne Home Education

Conference: 11 September 2010

Only 4 days until this conference.

Thanks to all those who have registered so far. We would find it very helpful if you are intending to come, if you would send Jonathan an email to let him know how many in your family will be attending. It will help us with catering for morning and afternoon teas. You can register at the conference. Registrations on the day are most welcome.

Date: Saturday  11 September 2010

Venue: Presbyterian Church of Hawthorn, 580 Glenferrie Rd Hawthorn, Melbourne  3122,

Cost: $20 per family or $5.00 per session (including grandparents).  If you are in genuine financial difficulty, please contact us, and we would love to help you.

Register and Map here:

Speakers: Craig Smith, Wendy Hill and Jonathan Field

Contact:  Jonathan  and Katie 03 9018 9286


9:00am Registration

9:15 Welcome & Notices

9:30-11:00  Keynote: Craig Smith “Home Education — Getting Things into Perspective”

11:00-11:30 Morning Tea (Drink and light refreshment provided)

11:30-1:00 Two electives

1. “Christian Dad’s Essential Role in Home Education” Craig Smith

2.  “The Elements of Music” Wendy Hill

1:00-1:30 BYO lunch. Drinks provided.

1:30- 2:30 Two  electives

1. “The Christian Imperative–Why all Christians Must Rescue Their Children From State Schools” Craig Smith

2. Teaching your children  Christian World Views” Jonathan Field

2:30-3:00 Afternoon Tea (Drink and light refreshment provided)

3:00-4:00 Two electives

1. “Christian Parents Preventing and Changing Rebellion in a Child’s Heart” Craig Smith

2. “Teaching your children Foreign Languages” Jonathan Field

Conference ends/looking at stands

Stands at Conference:

Home Education Foundation:

The Gift of Music:

Life Long Learning:

Please note that all sessions will be presented from a distinctly Biblical perspective, although all attendees are most welc

A bit about the Speakers:


Our keynote speaker is Craig Smith, a home education pioneer and dad from New Zealand, who has been home educating his 8 children for over 30 years!  Craig runs the Home Education Foundation ( in New Zealand.

Craig was born and grew up near Fresno, California, came to New Zealand as a 21-year-old in 1973 and has lived there ever since. He was soundly converted from hedonism by the Lord Jesus Christ in mid 1974 and was discipled by The Navigators, where he met his future wife, Barbara, a fair dinkum Kiwi from a high country sheep station in South Canterbury. Craig has a BA in Social Policy from Massey University. He and Barbara have four natural children, three by adoption and one permanently fostered, aged from 30 down to four, all being exclusively home educated from day one. Craig & Barbara established Christian Home Schoolers of NZ in 1986, which later became the Home Education Foundation, and have organised and spoken at scores of conferences all over NZ for the last 23 years. They’ve been working full time for the Home Education Foundation, a charitable trust supported solely by private donations and book sales, since 1998.



Wendy Hill has taught piano and general music appreciation since the early 1970s.  After 20 years of teaching, she was frustrated with the humanistic, man-glorifying music methods she had been using.  She homeschooled her two children and could find no suitable teachers or Biblical methods for their Christian music education.   So in 1991 she began developing The Gift of Music series basing it on Scripture and a God-honouring foundation.  The series is a complete music course consisting of two main parts.  One is The Elements of Music course of four volumes covering music theory, music, church and world history, basic keyboard skills and simple composition.  The other is a specific beginners’ piano course, Music for our Maker which focuses more on piano skills but includes The Elements of Music volumes as well.

In the last twenty years of developing this program, Wendy has published 22 books, 9 CDs and 8 DVDs as well as provided workshops, seminars and teacher training in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore.  The materials are now in these countries as well as USA, UK, Northern Ireland, China and Peru.

Today Wendy continues teaching writing, speaking and training teachers in The Gift of Music program as well as being a proud Grandma of three adorable grandaughters.



Jonathan Field was home educated in Australia by dedicated Australian home education pioneers Chris and Susan Field.  He has a passion for teaching Christian worldview and learning foreign languages.  Jonathan has recently embarked on the adventure of home educating his own family, with the birth of his first son in July 2009.