Mon 26 April 2010
Dunedin Home Education Seminar
Venue: Musselburgh Baptist Church, 131 Musselburgh Rise, Dunedin
Time: 10a.m – 3p.m and 7 – 9p.m evening
Speakers: Craig and Barbara Smith
Cost: $15 per family, which includes the Children’s Programme
Contact: Dunedin Committee on or ph Katie 03 489 2349 or Barbara 021 027 82221
10:00 Registration and view resource table
10:15 Welcome and Notices
10:30 -12:00 Two Electives:
1. Craig Home Education – Getting things into perspective
2. Barbara Home Education through Secondary and preparing for Tertiary
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Tea and coffee provided. Bring your own lunch. Alternatively a Dairy is across the road, or a 500 m walk to Musselburgh Shops [Baker’s Dozen, and two Takeaways]. Woolworths 1km in same direction.
1:00 – 2:30pm Two Electives:
1. Craig Changing the Heart of a Rebel
2. Barbara Avoiding Burnout – Keeping going when the going gets tough
2:30 – 3:00 pm Afternoon tea and browsing resource tables. [ 3:00 to 7:00 p.m Home ]
7:00 – 9:00 p.m Two electives:
1. Craig Dad’s Essential role in Home Education – from a Christian Perspective
2. Barbara Training our children’s minds – ‘The tools of learning’ and ‘Motivation’