Christian Home Educators’ Conference
Saturday 2nd April 2011
at Half Way Bush Presbyterian Church
cnr Colinsay (off Taieri Rd) & Balmain Sts
10.30 am-12.00 Two Electives
1. Craig Smith:
Home Education from a Biblical Perspective
2. Barbara Smith:
The Biblical Trustee Family
Lunch 12.00 pm-1.00pm A Cuppa available at venue
Local shops are available for meals
1.00-2.30 pm Two Electives
1. Craig: Reforming the Future through Home Education
2. Barbara: Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough- Loving Consistent Discipline
Question and Answer time
2.45 pm Afternoon Tea and sales tables open
Evening Meeting
7.00 Late registrations and Welcome: Notice that there is a movie for children who will be looked after by the Aldridge girls
7.10- 8.30 pm Two Electives
Craig : Discipline in our Undisciplined Society
Barbara: Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough- Marriage
8.30-9.00pm A Cuppa and Fellowship. Resource table open.
To register and for enquiries:
Please contact Katie Aldridge
027 460 5695
03 489 2349