16 April Home Education workshop in Blenheim

16 April Meeting in Blenheim

Venue:  The Witherlea Bible Chapel

Time: Beginning 1pm

Support group meeting

Contact: Sandy   03  578-1926  home_spun3@live.com

An informal meeting before, over an after afternoon tea. We would love to catch up with the Smith family as well as seeing the Home Education Foundation resources.
We wanted to have Barbara tell us about her experiences on her South Island trip, how things have been for her and her family, how  she is now involved with regarding helping support groups and others with their home schooling as well as question and answer time.


From the Smiths:


Updated 2 February 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:




This link is motivational: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-what-is-it-all-about/

Exemption Form online: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-exemption-form-now-online/

Coming Events: http://hef.org.nz/2013/some-coming-events-for-home-education-during-2013/


Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds