Emotional Purity

emotional_purity.jpgemotional_purity.jpgby Heather Paulsen

Normally $26.00NOW $18.00

179 page Soft Cover Book
First there was Pastor Jim West. Then there was Joshua Harris, Douglas Wilson and Eric and Leslie Ludy. Now read: Emotional Purity:An Affair of the Heart
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23″I’ve been waiting for a book on this subject for a long time!”
“I loved the book!!!! It was amazing and soooooo challenging! I’m going to recommend it to all my friends.” These are the comments we’ve been getting about Emotional PurityWhy the excitement and anticipation surrounding Emotional Purity? Would you be excited to find a book that would remind your sons of God’s call on them to a standard of leadership and responsibility in a relationship? What about a book which reminded your daughters that God’s timing is perfect? The author takes an in-depth look into emotional purity and intimacy and also brings in other related issues such as envy, discontentment, feelings, expectations and God’s purpose for marriage. Each chapter ends with several thought questions that will get you thinking about the important points in each chapter. Families/small groups reading Emotional Purity together can use these questions to stimulate discussion.To order do one of the following:send email to sales@hef.org.nz with visa number

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