ID020 – Poem on wifehood

Dear Issacharian Daughters,

Here is another introduction from two girls who get this newsletter.

“Hello! We are Sarah and Wendy from the far north of New Zealand. We are sisters and the eldest of eight children. Our parents have home educated us all our lives. Recently we have become interested in learning new hairstyles while doing a study on femininity with our Mum. We were wondering if any of the ladies who receive this Issacharian Daughters newsletter have some good ideas for hairstyles. If any of you do we would love it if you would share them with us. Our email address is . Or you could send instructions and photos to Genevieve and she could email these to all of us. It would be neat to share what we know because it is sometimes hard to come up with easy and nice hairstyles. By the way, our hair is about 12 inches long. Thanks a lot. We look forward to hearing from anyone!

From Sarah and Wendy”

If anyone does have any suggestions for feminine hairstyles for long hair and would like to send these to me I’d be happy to send them out with the Issacharian Daughters newsletter. If you have photos too that would be great. Or if you know of any good websites with photos and instructions you could send me the link.

For those of you just joining us, “Welcome!” We always enjoy seeing introductions from girls so if any of you would like to introduce yourselves please feel free to do this. You could simply give your name and general location and tell us a little about yourself. Or you could answer some or all of these questions too: Have you made the move home? What prompted it? What is your family structure like? What have you learned since coming home? What is the Lord teaching you?

You can visit the Issacharian website at And you can access the previous newsletters at

This weeks newsletter is attached and the text follows below.



Monday, 8 January 2007

Dear Girls,

Poem on wifehood

The following is an entry from Lanier Ivester’s website, Her testimony Chief Among Desires was in the Issacharian Daughters newsletter #017. If you haven’t visited her website yet, maybe you will after reading this lovely post!

The Scottish-American preacher Peter Marshall is one of my heroes. Not only for his robust faith and his imagery-laden sermons that read like poetry. Not only for his distinction as one of the most respected chaplains of the United States Senate. And not just because his beloved Westminster Presbyterian was right here in Atlanta.

I absolutely love the picture of a truly happy marriage that his wife Catherine gave me in her shining biography, A Man Called Peter. And I deeply respect a man whose view on women and marriage was old-fashioned enough to be unorthodox, even in the 1930’s. My family and I read this book aloud together, and I remember that upon hearing the following quote from one of his sermons, I grabbed the book as soon as we were done for the night and scribbled it madly in my journal. It was like a bright standard, a ray of light shed upon my future hopes…

Marriage is not a federation of two sovereign states. It is a union–





It is a fusion of two hearts–

the union of two lives–

the coming together of two tributaries,

which, after being joined in marriage, will flow in the same channel in the same direction… carrying the same burdens of responsibility and obligation.

Modern girls argue that they have to earn an income, in order to establish a home, which would be impossible on their husband’s income.

That is sometimes the case, but it must always be viewed as a regrettable necessity, never as the normal or natural thing for a wife to have to do.

The average woman, if she gives her full time to her home

her husband

her children…

If she tries to understand her husband’s work…

to curb his egotism while, at the same time, building up his self-esteem

to kill his masculine conceit while encouraging all his hopes
to establish around the family a circle of true friends…

If she provides in the home proper atmosphere of culture

of love of music

of beautiful furniture

and of a garden…

If she can do all this, she will be engaged in a life work that will demand every ounce

of her strength

every bit of her patience

every talent God has given her

the utmost sacrifice of her love.

It will demand everything she has and more.
And she will find that for which she was created.
She will know that she is carrying out the plan of God.
She will be a partner with the Sovereign Ruler of the universe.

And so, today’s daughters need to think twice before they seek to make a place for


by themselves

in our world today…

~ Dr Peter Marshall

We can reflect this glorious vision of marriage in our lives and ambitions and in the way we speak of marriage and prepare for it.

For the Greater Glory of God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

Genevieve Smith

Issacharian Daughter