A3 folding book (Unfolds to over 30 feet)

Based on the famous and now very rare Victorian wallchart with much material specially reproduced from the British Library, London.
6,000 years of world history at a glance ??thousands of dates, facts and quotes in chronological sequence. 30 feet of history in a large format fold-out hardcover book (29cmx42cm). A complete overview of every civilization’s history. Starts with Adam and Eve and follows the Biblical chronologies. Nations start from the Tower of Babel and are charted by colourful strands. Watch as strands envelope other stands when nations conquer other nations or watch as strands split into two or more as nations collapse. See visually how powerful and dominant nations such as the Holy Roman Empire were ??just about all other nations were absorbed into the Roman strand! It records the leader of each nation and is right up to date with Helen Clarke as New Zealand’s Prime Minister and George Bush as the President of the USA. Based on Biship Ussher’s chronology.
??We use the TimeChart all the time in our homeschooling. If we are reading the Bible or studying history or talking about an event which took place we open up our TimeChart. It helps us see what we are reading or talking about in context with the flow of history and other historical happenings. We LOVE it! ?? ~Happy Home Educated Child
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