The Wise Woman’s Guide to Blessing Her Husband’s Vision (2 CDs)
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Author: Douglas W. Phillips | ||
The Christian community is full of dear ladies discouraged because their husbands lack vision to lead the family with gusto. In some cases, the men are simply overwhelmed with present responsibilities. In other cases, they lack a biblical framework for household leadership. It certainly does not help when men have poor role models in their own lives, which is the case for a growing majority of husbands. Often wives cry out, “Help, my husband just doesn’t get it,” or, “I want more children, but my husband says ‘no,’” or even, “My husband is nervous about home schooling.” For more than ten years, Doug and Beall Phillips have spoken with hundreds who share these sentiments. But, too often, wives contribute to the problem through a wrong response. The great news is that the Bible anticipates this crisis of leadership in the home and provides crystal clear direction for wives. Wise women will desire to bless their husband’s vision by embracing the specific affirmative and negative biblical commands given to them for this very purpose. Those who do will become a sanctifying influence on their household, grow in spiritual maturity, and become God’s vehicle for their husband’s spiritual revival. This series is meant to encourage both wives and husbands with the principles and the practicalities for men and women growing in family vision for the Lord.
Customer Comments
We recently listened to the CDs A Wise Woman’s Guide. Wow how profound! I cannot believe that I have wasted the last twenty years on being a contentious wife. To think that I put so much effort into making my husband miserable, I praise God he has stayed with me for these twenty years. I have been so ashamed of my actions and have become so convicted I just want to cry. Praise God that I have such a loving and forgiving husband.
D. and A.P.
I wanted to write give my thanks and what I am sure will be my husband’s thanks (when he sees the change in my countenance) for your tape series [The Wise Woman’s Guide]. I must with great sorrow confess my sinful discontent and common tendency to be a “professor” to my husband. Oh, that I had the patience he shows me!!! What’s worse is that I know better!! I know what God’s Word says about it and still I have allowed my selfish desires to have it my way and in my timing be a thorn in my dear husband’s side instead of a blessing. What a blessing to be convicted, humbled, exhorted and encouraged all at the same time. I thank God for inspiring your words and trust and rely on His mercy and grace to daily turn from this wickedness and be the wife and mother my Father in Heaven designed me to be.
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