Workshop Electives offered by Craig Smith

Craig passed away 30 September 2011

Workshop Electives offered by Craig Smith

Elective 1
“Home Education — Getting things into Perspective”
This would be a good keynote message. It is an all round message — something for everyone.
Covers things like:

  • What”s it all about
  • Schooling versus education
  • Character training
  • Can I do this: parents’ qualifications
  • Tutoring/Mentoring
  • Where is this going: developing vision

Some comments from those who have attended this workshop in the past:

  • Great input from Craig Smith on stepping back and looking at the “big picture” of why and how we are home educating.
  • Thought provoking and interesting. Took on board idea of evaluating & teaching “our” kids to their abilities and interests.
  • Entertaining – good shot at a very broad subject.
  • Craig Smith is just gold! 🙂 Whatever conferences you have, you MUST have Craig!
  • Good discussion on Dad’s role
  • Good – already converted but good talk

Elective 2
“Home Educating Through Secondary and Preparing For Tertiary Education and the Workforce”

A comment about this elective:

*Good to hear the testimony about the Smith older childrens transition from home education to work, careers etc

Elective 3
“Why Christians Must Rescue their Children From Pharoh’s Schools”

Elective 4
“Reforming the Future through Home Education” This is from a Christian perspective

Elective 5
Home Education — The Christian’s Imperative

Elective 6
“Getting Started, dealing with MOE/ERO, pulling children out of School, doing exemption form etc”
Legal aspects; curriculum materials; educational approaches
Some comments about this elective:

  • Excellent. Practical and helpful information presented in a relaxed style – I took heaps of notes. I would recommend this session.
  • Excellent. Absolutely loved this. Very helpful

Elective 7
“How to fill out an exemption form”

Elective 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Christian Dad’s Essential Role in Home Education.” The dad’s essential role in home education is what Craig will explore during this session. The father’s input into home education and family life is vital. Craig as father of a large family will share his wisdom and experience and hopefully inspire other dads to get more involved in their children’s education.

Elective 9
“Dealing with MOE/ERO”
Covers how to prepare for an ERO visit

Elective 10
“Home Education From a Biblical Perspective”

Elective 11
“Choosing or Developing Your Own Curriculum”
Exploring a number of issues around choosing a curriculum or developing your own.

A comment about this elective:

*Was very good but perhaps could be entitled “Home Education: A Practical Approach to learning”.

Elective 12
“The Vital Nature of Reading Aloud”

Elective 13                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “Is it possible to Discipline children in our unDisciplined society?” It will be very interesting to hear what Craig has to say here. He is right; society is undisciplined. How do we teach discipline to our children in a world that mocks it.

Elective 14
“Teaching your children to read”

Elective 15                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “Christian Parents Preventing and Changing Rebellion in a Child’s Heart”

Elective 16
“The Biblical Trustee Family”

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