Tuesday 27 April 2010 Workshop in Oamaru

Tue 27 April 2010

Workshop in Oamaru

Contact: Tani, 03 434-9253, tani.newton@paradise.net.nz

Venue:  Elim Church

Cost:  $10.00 per family $5.00 per session


1:00  Registration and view resources

1:30 Two electives

Craig: Choosing or Developing Your Own Curriculum

Barbara:  Training Our Children’s Minds

3:00 Afternoon tea and view resources

3:30 Two electives

Craig: Changing the Heart of a Rebel

Barbara:  Training Our Children to Worship

4:30 – 5:00 everyone into main auditorium for Q & A session

6:00 Pot Providence Tea

7:30 Two electives

Craig:  The Christian Dad’s Essential Role in Home Education

Barbara: Training Our Daughters to Be Godly Wives and Mothers


For more Coming Events for April/May/June  please check here:
