Saturday School of Music

Saturday Music Palmerston North

Saturday Music aims to give children a musical foundation. It does this by offering affordable music lessons to childen aged from 4 to 12 years. Pupils are taught in small groups by talented music teachers.

Tuition for children aged 7 and up is offered in the following instruments:


For younger children, aged from 4 to 6, we offer a Music Basics course.

These fun, interactive classes provide a thorough grounding in the fundamental skills of music making, before children start more formal tuition on their chosen instrument.

Saturday Music provides a low cost, affordable option for music lessons, as the classes are subsidised by the Ministry of Education.

An instrument hire service is also available. The following instruments are available for hire: flutes, clarinets, violins (all sizes), cellos (all sizes), cornets, trumpets and trombones. Saxophones may be available. Junior flutes are provided for students enrolled in the combined Recorder/Junior Flute classes, and percussion instruments are provided for students enrolled in the Music Basics classes. Pupils are expected to provide their own recorders, keyboards, guitars and drumsticks with practice pad.

The enrolment form can be downloaded here: Saturday Music Enrolment form 2010

The prospectus can be downloaded here: Saturday Music 2010 Prospectus

The instrument hire form can be downloaded here: Saturday Music 2010 Instrument Hire

2 thoughts on “Saturday School of Music

  1. Finally, I found the information I was looking for. I have been doing research on this subject, and for three days I keep entering web-sites that are supposed to have what I am looking for, only to be disappointed with the lack of what I wanted. I wish I would have located your web-site sooner! I had about 25% of what I needed and your website has that, and the rest of what I needed to finish my research. Thank you and I will report back on how it goes!

  2. Fantastic! I was searching for this most of the day today. I wish that people would write more about this. Greatly appreciated

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