Science and Technology Fair: Friday 30 July 2010

Auckland Home Educators Inc’s

Science and Technology Fair

Friday 30 July 2010

New Lynn Bible Chapel, 3123 Great North Road, New Lynn
(Entry fee to be announced)

It is not too early to start planning your project.

This year we have a new entry category – Guided Experimental. Entries in this category will be experimental but not novel.  This means that you can get an experimental guideline from a book or the internet and follow the instructions.  You then present your results and conclusions in a poster.  The Guided Experimental category will not be judged in detail for entry into the Auckland Schools Fair but will still be judged.  The categories are therefore as follows:

· Observational – a display about a science project
· Guided Experimental – an experiment where you followed instructions
·  Novel Experimental – a new experiment that you designed yourself
· Technology – an innovative piece of technology that you have designed yourself.

The first 2 categories will be judged the morning of the Fair.
The last 2 categories will be judged in detail the evening before (Thursday 29 July).

Here are some things you will need to do in preparation for the Auckland Home Educators Science & Technology Fair:

1. Decide what category of entry you want to prepare.  If you have never done a Science Fair project before, you might choose an Observational, or a Guided Experimental project to start with.

2.  Decide on a topic – you can do this any time now

3. Decide what you are going to find out and how you will find this out –

All this deciding might take a couple of weeks

4. Do a pilot study – this
might take 3 weeks

5. Plan the final project –
might take another week

6. Do the project –
might take another 3 weeks

7.  Design your display board –
might take 1 week

8.  Decide what goes on your display board –
might take 1 week

9.  Do your display board –
might take two weeks – printing and getting photos the right size

So start early!  Start now!