Sweden: Update on Christer’s Situation/Contact Information

Update on Christer’s Situation/Contact Information

To the best of our knowledge, Sweden continues to hold this father in jail. The original information we received said he’d have some sort of trial on December 10th. However, we are now learning that the trial can be held as late as December 14th or 15th and it seems this might be the case.

Sweden will NOT take Christer to trial until they have a psychiatric finding assigned to him. This is typical in child dispute cases such as these. Most parents who object to what has happened to their family are almost universally given a psychiatric diagnosis to which the socials can subsequently point claiming they were right all a long for taking and keeping the child. We’ve read this script over and over in many cases such as these in Sweden. You can dig through this huge pile of documented cases to learn more.

Ruby Harrold-Claesson, although one of Christer’s attorneys in the EU Human Rights case, has been denied access to Christer while he is in jail. The Swedish authorities claim the EU case has nothing whatever to do with Christer’s actions of two weeks ago. We, and many others, beg to differ. We believe Christer’s current incarceration has everything to do with the merits of the EU case and thus, Harrold-Claesson should have access to Christer while he is jailed.

Aside from what we’ve shared in this post, we are not aware of any further developments at this time.

If you’d like to send notes and letters of encouragement to Christer (he is fluent in English) while he is held in prison, you can do so by following these instructions:

First, place your letter/postcard in an envelope. On that envelope write:
To Christer Johansson, 690615-3231
Next, place this envelope into another envelope and on this outer envelope write this address:
Klient och säkerhetsenheten
SE–601 80 Norrköping
Once received, Kriminalvården will send your letter to Gotland and will see that it is delivered to Christer.

Annie (holds a Masters Degree in English) can be contacted at:
Annie Johansson
c/o Rune Johansson
Alva Gudings 363
623 46 Hemse