Issacharian Daughters – ID041

pdf of Issacharian Daughters – ID041 – click on link below for correct layout and photos:


Dear Girls,

Here is a note from one of our readers commenting on the Issacharian Daughters Newsletter #040:

??My dear Miss Genevieve,

??Your most recent newsletter and preface letter resonated with me. I am thrilled that you younger ladies are learning about what God has in store for your ministries. I found my eyes welling up with tears as I read though, remembering how I longed (and still long) for Godly women in my life.

??I’m now 42 with two daughters of my own here (and 3 children in Heaven). It’s only been the past 3-4 years that I have come out completely from the feminist movement and have begun to teach my small daughters (ages 6 and 3) radically differently than I was taught.

??I’m sure many of the younger girls take it for granted that older girls would build relationships with them and not think it anything unusual. To these older girls, I encourage you to build those relationships! No one, absolutely no one older than I has ever pursued a relationship with me, other than my dear mom.

??Instead, I’ve had to look to books, radio, and the Internet for my mentoring.A relationship would have been so much better, though. So often I’ve had questions, burning questions, and no answers. I’ve learned to take them to the Lord and ask Him to show me the answers, since I had no one to ask.In time, He has provided the answers through my own Bible reading, a book I find, a speaker on the radio, or an article on the Internet.I’m so very grateful for those provisions!!!(BTW, one book that truly ministered to me was Mrs. Clarkson’s book The Ministry of Motherhood, so I avidly read your interviews with this family.)

??But I still long for relationship, friendship.Girls, build those relationships!Take the time, the effort, and bathe those younger girls in prayer and wisdom.Our world may not bless you for your efforts, but the Heavenly realms certainly will!You will revolutionize this world for Christ!

??Bless you, my dear. I’m praying for you!Anni WelborneWest Lafayette, IN ??

I appreciate this note of encouragement and exhortation so much. I know that there are a number of older women who receive and read this newsletter and so I’d like to take a moment now to invite you to write and make comment on any newsletter at any time or to exhort us younger women in various ways. I crave the input of older women in my life and I know that many of the other Issacharian Daughters do too. This is an open invitation to send me anything you have written for possible inclusion in a future newsletter.

This weeks newsletter is attached as a pdf and the text follows after this note.

Regards,Genevieve Smith

Monday, 4 June 2007

Dear Girls,

Being Your Father’s Daughter

The following article is by Miss Elisha Ann Wahlquist and is from (kindly used with permission).

In the side dressing room of a quaint country church, a young woman sits, decked in a sumptuous gown of lacy white. Faint sounds of rustling dresses, excited whispers, and busy movements reach her ears, but she does not heed them. Carefully, she pins up her flowing tresses ( ??The way he likes, ?? she remembers, happily) and glances out of the gauzy-curtained window to the grassy knoll where the reception will take place ??a mere hour or so from now, she reflects.

Just as a bride looks forward to being with her groom and delights to please him, the Bride of Christ (all Christians) should await the coming of Her Groom, which is Christ. While we are single, how can we best prepare ourselves to demonstrate to a skeptical world the beauty of marriage? By turning towards our father, giving him our heart, striving to please him and delighting in his company.

??The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. ??
Titus 2:3-5

Daughters, God is calling us to be??keepers at home ?? in training ??He wants to perfect us in the areas of supportive excitement for our authorities’ projects, capability in running a household, and loving trust in our Heavenly Father and the way He is working through our authorities.

Patiently, the young lady helped her adorable little sister place the last toy in the bucket, then she straightened up and said cheerfully,??Rose, let’s go make cookies. ?? With the little one in tow, she brightly made her way to the kitchen, pausing to bestow a few encouraging words to the cluster of small boys on the play area rug, stopping to admire the diligence of the older ones as they sorted through a complex array of tools, and casting a smile and a loving,??Need anything? ?? to her busy mother. In the spacious kitchen, she set to work, and just as her little sister finished licking cookie batter off a spoon, the maiden heard her father’s car crunching in the gravel drive.??Dad’s home! ?? she cried, and caught up Rose to join the delighted pell-mell to greet Daddy. As she hugged her father, she said,??Dad, we’re making cookies for you to take to the family down the road that you wanted to minister to. ????Thank you, honey, ?? her father replied.??You are a precious gem to our family. ??

By serving her mother, creating a peaceful home atmosphere, and furthering her father’s goals, this young woman is a blessing to her family and to others. Her secret is placing herself under her father’s authority and at his disposal, content in her God-given role. This daily training has another reward ??she will be well-fitted for marriage as a help-meet suitable for her husband. Fellow daughters, do you truly work at pleasing your father and helping him to accomplish his goals? Do you enjoy spending time with him? Let us all work on improving in these areas, so we can be a blessing to the world ??through our loving service at home! Where are all the daughters in the Bible? Except for the tragic story of Dinah, the daughters are found in their fathers’ homes. In fact, that was the norm until the 1900s! In our day and age, this may seem like a strange concept, but the fact is still there ??for roughly six millennia, young women were under their father’s roof and protection until given in marriage. Psalm 45:13 says,??The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. ?? The Hebrew word for??within ?? is paniymah, which means, roughly,??inside, ?? or??in the palace. ?? We are all glorious within the palace ??our greatest beauty comes when we are serving our father from our home, not running around out in the world somewhere.1 I encourage you, daughters, to strive to delight in your father and take joy in serving and pleasing him, for then God is glorified, and our culture is transformed.

What are the consequences if we do not embrace this vision of Biblical daughterhood? Initially, if we pridefully look down upon our earthly father or refuse to joyously submit to him, we are casting a slur upon the name and plans of our Heavenly Father. Ultimately, however, we will be unprepared for marriage, and will have to painfully re-learn things like submission, cheerful support, and delighted home-keeping. Obviously, it will sometimes be hard to cheerfully submit to our father’s decisions or plans, but when that happens we can quietly trust our Heavenly Father, since He has pre-ordained all that is happening in our lives. When we are tempted to lose that trust, we can remember Romans 8:28, which says,??And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ?? How comforting to know that our Heavenly Father will use all situations for our good! Another area that we often are tried in is contentment. How easy it is to long for the spotlight that girls who are on their own have ??how easy to wish for less drudgery and more independence ??but Psalm 73:2-3 & 18-19 reminds us,

??But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked ??Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction. How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors. ??

When we seek our own will and follow our own plans instead of God’s, we reap destruction and desolation.

How important it is that a knight has a daughter at home, fully supporting his goals, and ready to greet and comfort him when he comes home battle-weary. Lord, make us our father’s daughters!

Elisha Ann Wahlquist is a 20-year-old homeschool graduate who delights in her femininity and in being her father’s daughter. Investing in her four brothers and two sisters keeps her busy, but she still finds time to search the Scriptures, write, support her father’s projects, and learn the skills that will be a blessing to a husband and children someday.

Elisha Ann asks the question,??Where are all the daughters in the Bible? ?? This is an excellent question! I have been scanning my way through the Bible and am currently in the book of Luke. Every time I came to a reference about a woman I’d write it down and anything which indicated where she was or what she was doing. I found the same thing as Elisha Ann: the pattern for daughters is that they were at home, serving their families and helping to make their fathers successful. The exceptions were for women who were not a part of the nation of Israel such as Delilah, the woman who tempted Samson leading to his downfall.

I have written a booklet called Making Our Parents Successful. Feel free to email me for more information about this booklet and a price. I’m happy to post it internationally.

For the Greater Glory of God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,Genevieve Smith

Issacharian Daughter

Notes: For this insight into Psalm 45:13, I am indebted to Mrs. Chancey’s speech during the 2005 Vision Forum Father & Daughter Retreat.

I have sent this email to girls who have embraced a vision of victorious daughterhood as well as those who may be thinking about doing so (and even to some girls who may just like some encouragement regarding different areas of home life). Some of the girls are in the USA, UK, Australia and other parts of the world. Most are in New Zealand. You are welcome to forward this email on to others so long as you do so in its entirety. If you do not want to receive these emails please just send a return email to me stating that fact. If you know of other girls who would be encouraged by receiving these emails, feel free to forward the email to them or send me their email address.Locations of visitors to this page