New Study: Home-Educated Canadian Adults Excel

New Study: Home-Educated Canadian Adults Excel

Thursday December 3, 2009
Retrieved 12/7/09 from

By Patrick B. Craine

Full Version

Home Education in Canada: A Report on the Pan-Canadian Study on Home Education 2003

LONDON, Ontario, December 3, 2009 ( – A new study released yesterday by the Canadian Centre for Home Education (CCHE) reveals that  home-educated adults in Canada excel in all measured areas of adult life,
including education level, religious observance, civic and community  participation, life satisfaction, and income.

The study, entitled Fifteen Years Later: Home-Educated Canadian Adults,  surveyed adults whose parents had responded to a 1994 study on home education.  In total, the researchers collected 226 questionnaires.  Ranging  in age from 15 to 34, the respondents answered questions on a variety of  topics for which Statistics Canada has comparable data from the wider population.

The results were astounding, says CCHE.

The study found that, when measured against the Canadian average,  home-educated adults were more socially engaged and almost twice as likely  to have voted in a federal election. Their average income was higher, with
more self-reliant sources of income, such as investments and self-employment.  In fact, of all respondents, there were no cases of  government support as the primary source of income.

The respondents were happier in their work and about their lives in general.  They also have more varied recreational pursuits.  The study notes, for  example, that the respondents “were much more likely than the comparable
population to have read books and attended concerts of classical music or  theatrical performances.”  Overall, when reflecting on the value of being  home-educated, most felt that it was an advantage in their adult life.

“In terms of income, education, entrepreneurial endeavours, involvement in  their community, and all the other characteristics measured, home-educated  adults not only excel, but also make meaningful contributions to their
communities,” stated Paul Faris, president of CCHE.  “They are the type of  neighbours we all want.”

The full study and a synopsis are available here

Home Education in Canada


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