Different set of rules at home school

Different set of rules at home school

By Lin Ferguson

School’s so good for the Rea children they never want to grow up and leave home. Because home is where their school is.

Last week was Home Education Awareness week with displays set up last Friday at the library, Trafalgar Square and at Majestic Square for people who want to learn about teaching children at home.

Some parents couldn’t imagine anything worse than being with their children all day, every day answering questions, organising activities and hitting the books, said mum Suzie Rea.

But for the Rea children, the joy of being together on the farm, feeding their pets and riding their motorbikes as well as hitting the books each morning with mum is a great combination.

‘‘Well it is all about choices, about being adaptable — it’s about being real and my children love it,’’ said Mrs Rea.

What could Sammy-Jo (nearly 10) and Troy (7) possibly be missing out on?

‘‘Well . . . absolutely nothing. They’re certainly not missing out on bullying, being labelled and being slotted into a convenient mould. These two have freedom to develop, to think freely, to absolutely love and be interested in what
they’re learning.’’

The Reas own and run their business Emmetts Service Centre (a trucking service centre in Wanganui) and the family live on a small farm at Fern Flats near Marton.

There are 32 on the payroll at Emmetts Service Centre and the pay master is . . .9-year-old Sammy-Jo Rea.  ‘‘She’s brilliant. She does the payroll every week for her dad,’’ Mrs Rea said.

Sammy-Jo blushes and says she likes doing it because she really likes maths. Troy already knows his way around engines and is keen when it comes to all things mechanical.

‘‘Dad lets me watch when he’s fixing engines and I’m learning it all.’’

Read the rest of the article here

One thought on “Different set of rules at home school

  1. Your home schooling sounds like a lot of fun for everyone, as well as a lot of great learning for the children. The way you approach education for your family sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

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