2010 Homeschool Camp programme

Hi All

Just as a little advertiser for the 2010 Homeschool Camp at Lakes Ranch in Rotorua from October 18 -22nd here is a rough draft of the type of camp itinerary we can expect….

Day 1

1pm Arrival and Orientation then free to explore until dinner
5:30-6:30 Dinner
6:30 – 9pm Free time with Swimming pools free to use

Day 2:

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30 Activity Session 1
12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH BREAK
1:30 – 3:30 Activity Session 2
3:30 -5:30 Free (swimming pools available)
5:30-6:30 Dinner
7:30pm – 9:30pm Burma Trail and Glow Worm Hunt

Day 3

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30 Activity Session 3
12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH BREAK
1:30 – 3:30 Activity Session 4
3:30 -5:30 Free
5:30-6:30 Dinner
7:00pm – 9pm Movie Night in the Pool

Day 4

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30 Activity Session 5
12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH BREAK
1:30 – 3:30 Activity Session 6
3:30 -5:30 Free
5:30-6:30 Dinner
7:00pm – 9pm Camp Fire – Marshmallow Night

Day 5

7:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30am – 11am Clean up and pack
11:30am Check Out

Day 2 and 3 Activity Groups

And as far as activity programs go, here is a rough idea of what ours will look like…..

GROUP 1, 13yrs+ GROUP 2, 10-12yrs GROUP 3, 9 – 10yrs GROUP 4, 7 – 8yrs GROUP 5,  5 – 6yrs
Day 2 Session 1 9:30 – 11:30

19-Oct Swoop Slug Guns Horizontal Bungy Abseiling Orienteering

Session 2 1:30 – 3:30

Tough Guy Challenge Tough Guy Challenge Abseiling Horizontal Bungy Scream Machine
Day 3 Session 3 9:30 – 11:30

20-Oct Slug Guns Abseiling Scream Machine Archery Horizontal Bungy

Session 4 1:30 – 3:30

Abseiling Swoop Top Town Games Top Town Games Archery
Day 4 Session 5 9:30 – 11:30 OPTIONAL EXTRAS
21-Oct Horse Riding Pony Rides Kayaking
Water Slide

Activity Session 6 1:30 – 3:30 OPTIONAL EXTRAS

Horse Riding Pony Rides Kayaking
Water Slide

Day 4 is intended to be a day of optional activities. Those wanting to go on a 2 hour horse trek for $60pp may do so in either the morning or afternoon. Those wanting a 15 minute pony ride for $10 may do so in either the morning or afternoon. Those preferring not to ride have 2 other options at their disposal free of charge, the kayaks and the water slide. I will be slotting people into groups for these activities once I have a better idea of numbers.
Here is an overview which I received from the camp on what each of the activities entail…..

Horizontal Bungy – This is an one person activity with a tire to see how far away from the poll you can get before you get pulled back
Scream Machine – This is a tire swing that you get swung around in the event centre
Slug Guns – This is an activity you supervise after instructions for safety, with targets to shoot at.
Abseiling – This is a supervised activity down a 22 meter cliff outside.
Archery – This is an activity you supervise after instructions for safety, with targets to shoot at

Top Team – This is a group of activities, or challenges for kids depending on the size of the group
The Swoop – This is a harnessed swing where the children are hoisted to the ceiling of our Barn (about 10.5m high) then released to swing out over the barn floor.

The Glow Worms – is a lovely stroll away and is great to do after our Burma Trail
The Burma Trail –  is a track through the bush done in the dark – hold on to a rope and find your way.
Tough Guy Challenge – This is a Mud Run obstical course for the adult version, look up Tough Guy Challenge 2009 Rotorua online.  This can be made this as long or as short as we like – the adults do 6 or 12kms, the kids  do a few hundred metres.

All this is of course subject to change as this is just a rough draft at this early stage.

Depending on numbers we may be able to include some of the more confident 4 year olds in the youngest group with parental support.Based on the enrollments I have thus far we have a good mix of boys and girls throughout the groups except for boys aged 10 – 12 years of which we could do with a few more of to balance things out a bit.Well I hope this has whetted your camp appetites and you are now all very excited about the possibilities being made a vailabe to us.So if you aren’t already registered and you would like to join us please email me. For those already registered I hope you are looking forward to camp as much as my lot are.


Email: kiorakiwi@vodafone.net.nz

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