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Home Education Foundation
Serving, promoting, defending and publishing for Christian and secular home educators in NZ and overseas.
Main menu
Getting Started
An Outline of Home Education in NZ
Did you know…?
Getting Started – Diagnostic Quiz
Truancy and the Home Schooler/Home Educator
How home education works in New Zealand
Applying for an Exemption to Educate at Home
Nationwide contact for home education enquiries
Are Parents Qualified
Legal Issues
Expert Opinion
HEF Email Discussion Groups
Some Support Groups in New Zealand
Email discussion groups
Evidence showing why state schools are no good for Christians or anyone else
NZ Teachers Comment on NZ Schools
Education Law in New Zealand for Home Schoolers/Home Educators
Home-Based Education Not “Does It Work?” but “Why Does It Work So Well?
Making an Application for Exemption from Enrolment and Attendance at a School
A Collection of Exemption Tips and Ideas
Applying for an Exemption to Educate at Home now an ebook
Applying for an Exemption to Educate at Home
Contact details for the MoE when applying for an exemption
Web Links to help with filling out your exemption
Keystone Magazine
Keystone Archives
2007 Keystone Archives
2006 Keystone Archives
2005 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.I Jan 2005
KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.II March 2005
KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.IV July 2005
KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.V Sept 2005
KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.V1 Nov 2005
2004 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.X No.I Jan 2004
KEYSTONE Vol.X No.II March 2004
KEYSTONE Vol.X No.III May 2004
KEYSTONE Vol.X No.IV July 2004
KEYSTONE Vol.X No.V Sept 2004
KEYSTONE Vol.X No.VI Nov 2004
2003 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.IX No.I Jan 2003
KEYSTONE Vol.IX No.II March 2003
KEYSTONE Vol.IX No.IV July 2003
KEYSTONE Vol.IX No.V Sept 2003
KEYSTONE Vol.IX No.VI Nov 2003
2002 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.VIII No.II March 2002
KEYSTONE Vol.VIII No.V Sept 2002
2001 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.VII No.I Jan 2001
KEYSTONE Vol.VII No.II March 2001
KEYSTONE Vol.VII No.IV July 2001
KEYSTONE Vol.VII No.V Sept 2001
2000 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.VI No.I January 2000
KEYSTONE Vol.VI No.II March 2000
KEYSTONE Vol.VI No.IV July 2000
KEYSTONE Vol.VI No.V Sept 2000
KEYSTONE Vol.VI No.VI Nov 2000
1999 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.V No.I January 1999
KEYSTONE Vol.V No.II March 1999
KEYSTONE Vol.V No.III May 1999
KEYSTONE Vol.V No.IV July 1999
KEYSTONE Vol.V No.V September 1999
KEYSTONE Vol.V No.VI Nov 1999
1998 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.IV No.I March 1998
KEYSTONE Vol.IV No.II July 1998
1997 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.III No.I Jan/Feb 1997
KEYSTONE Vol.III No.II March/April 1997
KEYSTONE Vol.III No.III May/June 1997
KEYSTONE Vol.III No.IV July/Aug 1997
1996 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.II No.I Jan/Feb 1996
KEYSTONE Vol.II No.II March/April 1996
KEYSTONE Vol.II No.III May/June 1996
KEYSTONE Vol.II No.IV July/Aug 1996
KEYSTONE Vol.II No.V Sept/Oct 1996
KEYSTONE Vol.II No.VI Nov/Dec 1996
1995 Keystone Archives
KEYSTONE Vol.I No.I March 1995
Should the Children of Christians Evangelise the Public Schools?
Imparting Wisdom
“Home schooling” or “Home education”?
KEYSTONE Vol.I No.II May/June 1995
Home Schooling and the Millennium
A Strategy for Home Schoolers
Teaching Other Peoples’ Children
What should we be doing now that there are no longer ERO reviews
KEYSTONE Vol.I No.III July/Aug 1995
God Wants PARENTS to Educate Their Own Children
KEYSTONE Vol.I No.IV Sept/Oct 1995
KEYSTONE Vol.I No.V Nov/Dec 1995
Keystone/TEACH Package – 1yr
Keystone/TEACH Package – 2yrs
Keystone Magazine only – 1 year sub
Keystone Magazine only – 2 year Sub
TEACH Bulletin
TEACH Bulletin Archives
2007 TEACH Bulletin Archives
2006 TEACH Bulletin Archives
2005 TEACH Bulletin Archives
2004 TEACH Bulletin Archives
2003 TEACH Bulletin Archives
2002 TEACH Bulletin Archives
2001 TEACH Bulletin Archives
2000 TEACH Bulletin Archives
1999 TEACH Bulletin Archives
1998 TEACH Bulletin Archives
TEACH Bulletin #12 Jan 1998
TEACH Bulletin #13 Feb 1998
TEACH Bulletin #14 Mar 1998
TEACH Bulletin #15 Apr 1998
1997 TEACH Bulletin Archives
TEACH Bulletin #1 Jan 1997
TEACH Bulletin #2 Feb 1997
TEACH Bulletin #3 Mar 1997
TEACH Bulletin #4 Apr 1997
TEACH Bulletin #5 May 1997
TEACH Bulletin #6 June 1997
TEACH Bulletin #7 July 1997
TEACH Bulletin #8 Aug 1997
TEACH Bulletin #9 Sept 1997
TEACH Bulletin #10 Oct 1997
TEACH Bulletin #11 Nov 1997
TEACH/Keystone Package – 1yr sub
TEACH/Keystone Package – 2yrs sub
Teach Bulletin – 1yr Sub
Teach Bulletin – 2yrs Sub
Issacharian Daughters
Issacharian Daughters 2008
Issacharian Daughters 2007
Issacharian Daughters 2006
ID010 – Totally like whatever, you know? Part 2
ID009 – Totally like whatever, you know? Part 1
ID007 – Courtship and Dating
ID006 – The Perfect Match
ID005 – The Woman who laughs
ID004 – Dying to self
ID003 – Dying to self
ID002 – Being a Beautifier
ID001 – Testimony
Issacharian Daughters-Introduction
Nouthetic Counseling Studies
Nouthetic counseling studies NZ
Nouthetic Counseling Books
Biblical Principles of Sex
Christ and Your Problems
The Christian Counselor’s Manual
Competent to Counsel
Christian’s Guide to Guidance
Handbook of Church Discipline
Godliness Through Discipline
How to Help People Change – The Four Step Biblical Process
Three to Get Ready: A Premarital Counseling Manual
What Do You Do When Pamphlet Set
Books: Secondhand
Book list 7~~~updated 18/03/15
Book list 8—02/04/15
Book list 9—Updated 18/03/15
Book list 10—updated 27/03/15
Book list 11 – updated 02/04/15
Book List 12 – updated 28/03/15
Book list 13 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 14 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 15b – updated 28/03/15
List 15a Russian Classic Set $20.00 updated with book titles in set
Book list 16 – updated 02/04/15
Book List 17 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 18 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 19 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 20 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 21 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 22 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 23 – updated 30/03/15
Book list 24 – updated 30/03/15
Book list 25 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 26 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 27 – updated 28/03/15
Book list 28 – updated 16/03/15
Book list 29 – updated 30/03/15
Book list 30 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 31 – updated 30/03/15
Book list 32 – updated 14/03/15
Book list 33 – updated 16/03/15
Book list 34 – updated 30/03/15
Book list 35 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 36 – updated 18/03/15
Book list 37 – updated 28/03/15
Book list 38 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 39 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 40 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 41 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 42 – updated 30/03/15
Book list 43 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 44 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 45 – updated 02/04/15
Book list 46 – updated 20/03/15
Book list 47 RM Ballantyne – updated 08/04/15
Book list 48
Book list 49 – last updated 08/04/15
Book list 50 – last updated 08/04/15
Book List 51
Book List 52 – Craig’s study books
Book list 53 – updated 08/04/15
Book List 54 – Last updated 04/04/15
Book list 55 – last updated 08/04/15
Book list 56 – last updated 08/08/15
Book list 57 – last updated 08/04/15
Book List 58—updated 13/04/15
Book list 59—updated 13/04/15
Book list 60—update 13/04/15
Book list 61—updated 13/04/15
Book list 62—Updated 13/04/15
Links to Media
Links to media 2012
Death Of The University As We Know It
Links to Media 2013
Links to media 2014
Home Schooling Success stories
Home Schooling Success stories 2012
TEACH: Coming Events
2012 Coming Events
2012 General
Letter to MoE re Changes to the Exemption Form
Letter to MoE Re ECE questions on exemption form
International Home Schooling
2015 International Home schooling
2012 International Home Schooling
Help a grieving home educating family
For Sale
2012 For Sale
Situations vacant
2012 Situations Vacant
Home Educators looking for work
2012 Home Educators Looking for Work
HEF: Books for Sale
2012 HEF: Books for Sale
YouTube with Craig
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 18 August 2011
Who am I?
What is the Home Education Foundation?
Am I qualified to teach my children? Parts 1, 2 and 3
What about testing
What about qualifications
How can I home educate if I’m not a trained teacher
If I home educate how can my children get into university Pt 1 & 2
How do I teach my children science?
How should I teach history?
How should I select a curriculum5
Do I need a classroom when I am Home schooling? Part 1 & 2
Where do I get home schooling resources?
How can I home educate on a single income?
How do I get an exemption to home educate in New Zealand?
How do I get an exemption to home educate in New Zealand?
How do I get started in home schooling?
What are five home education priorities?
What are five home education priorities?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 19 August 2011
How should I teach the 3Rs?
Why shouldn’t I institutionalize my children?
How can I home educate when family relationships aren’t so good?
What is the difference between schooling and education?
Where do our curricula ideas come from?
If I home educate will my children have friends?
Should I read to my children?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 20 August 2011
Can I home educate as a single mum?
What is a father’s role in home education?
Can’t my wife just do that home educating thing?
How can I lead my family in home educating?
How can I protect my wife from burning out when home schooling?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 21 August 2011
What place does family devotions have in home education?
In my Home Education Should I follow the school year?
If we home educate won’t my children miss out on the healthy competition in the classroom?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 23 August 2011
Should I foster in New Zealand?
What are the long term effects of fostering on your family?
Does home education and fostering mix?
What is the adoption process like in New Zealand?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 25 August 2011
Craig Smith speaking on “Will my life change much if I home educate?”
I’m not patient enough to home educate!
How will I be able to stand being around my children all day every day?
How can I motivate my children?
How can I home educate with preschoolers?
How should I home educate my preschoolers? Part 2
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 30 August 2011
Do I need to protect my children from other children?
What is the #1 issue I need to settle? Pt 1
What is the #1 issue I need to settle? Pt 2
What is the #1 issue I need to settle? Pt 3
What is the #1 issue I need to settle? Pt 4
What is the #1 issue I need to settle? Pt 5
What does it mean to be a Christian Pt 1
What does it mean to be a Christian Pt 2
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 1 Sept 2011
My friend wants me to teach their kids too. Should I?
What extra curricula activities are there available to home educators?
What topics should I teach at home that never get taught at school?
What if my children have learning gaps?
Why should I consider home education? Pt 1-2
I’m a Christian but can’t I send my children to state schools?
Shouldn’t the government be paying me to home educate?
How do I cope with disapproving grandparents?
How do I cope with a disapproving church?
How much should I spend per child each year on home education?
What is the difference between Greek and Hebrew education?
How should I home eduate special needs children?
I want to move to New Zealand. What is it like to home educate there?
Where is the best place to home educate in New Zealand?
Should we sing the national anthem every morning?
What is classical education?
How can I teach my children to think?
How should I teach my children about money?
How should I conduct family worship?
Should I put my child on ritalin? Pt 1 and 2
How do I keep my children from killing each other?
How can I home educate while I’m pregnant with twins?
How can I home educate while I’m sick as a dog?
How can I home educate and care for my elderly parent?
How should I teach reading?
Is the look say method really so bad?
What are the positives and negatives for field trips?
What if my application to home educate is declined?
What are the positives and negatives for textbooks?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 2 September 2011
What are the positives and negatives for flashcards?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 4 September 2011
Book: Mover of Men and Mountains
Book: Mover of Men and Mountains Pt 2
Books: Christianity Among the New Zealanders
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 5 September 2011
Why should I read Rushdoony? Parts 1 – 3
Training a child in the way they should go
Book: Calvin’s Institutes
What is the most fulfilling adventure?
Book: Emotional Purity
Book: So Much More
Book: I Kissed Dating Goodbye
Book: Biblical Economics
Book: Christian Modesty
Book: Training Our Children
Book: Preparing for an ERO Review
Book: Sanctifying Our Sons and Our Daughters
Book: 15 Things Every Father Must Do With His Sons
Book: Negotiating the Curriculum Maze
Book: Your Worldview Has Implications
Book: Applying for an Exemption to Educate at Home
Book: The Evidence of the Superiority of Home Education Over Conventional Schooling
Book: An Introduction to Home Education in New Zealand
Book: The Christian Imperative
Book: The Duties of Parents
Book: The Timechart History of the World
Book: Better Late Than Early
Book: Spiritual Disciplines
Authors: Douglas and Nancy Wilson – Reforming Marriage and The Fruit of her Hands
What other topics are home educators investigating?
Book: The Underground History of American Education
Book: The Harsh Truth About Public Schools
Book: Understanding the Times
How will my children turn out?
How will I know my children have learned enough?
Should we have a graduation ceremony and life after home schooling
If I home educate my children will miss out on prom!
How can I prepare my children for tertiary education?
How can I prepare my children for the workforce?
How do I fill out my exemption form?
Q & A with Craig Smith recorded 6 September 2011
How do I deal with the MOE/ERO?
How do I pull my children out of school? Part 1
How do I pull my children out of school? Pt 2
What are the tools of learning?
How do I keep going when the going gets tough?
How do I develop my own curriculum?
How do I choose a curriculum?
How do I create my own library?
What are the three kinds of people?
Is it possible to discipline children in an undisciplined society?
What’s wrong with school?
What is home education?
Web Specials
Coming Events
Trevlyn McCallum’s visit to the North Island Oct/Nov 2015
Coming Events Archives
Coming Events Archives 2011
A Passion For Jesus Conferences in New Zealand and Australia in January
Home Education Awareness Week 31 October – 5 November 2011
South Island Home EducationTour 2011
Nelson Home Eduction Workshop 26 March 2011
Westport Home Educators workshop 28 March 2011
Hokitika Home Educators Workshop 29 March 2011
Te Anau Home Education Workshop
Invercargill Home Educators Workshop 1 April 2011
Dunedin Home Education Workshop: 2 April 2011
Oamaru Home Educators Workshop
Timaru Home Educators Workshop 5 April 2011
Getting Started in Home Schooling and keeping Going: Christchurch 6 and 7 April 2011
Kaikoura Home Education Workshop 8 April 2011
Blenheim Home Educators Workshop 9 April 2011
Dr Jay Wile conferences in June 2011
Dr Jay Wile (Apologia Science) to visit NZ next June
Palmerston North: Science by Design Conference
Auckland: Science by Design Conference Friday 10th & Saturday 11th June, 2010
Nelson: Science by Design Conference Sunday 13 & Monday 14 June 2011
Whangarei 14 April 2011
THE BOOM FAMILY N.Z Tour: Palmerston North 28 April 2011
THE BOOM FAMILY N.Z Tour: Wanganui 29 April 2011
New Plymouth 30 April
HEART Retreat Matamata 2012
Dave & Neta Jackson February 2012
Coming Events Archives 2010
Home Education Conference in Hamilton – 6 March 2010
6 March – More information on the Sessions
Register for the Hamilton 6 March conference here
Specials at the THEN Conference 2010
Mind Your Brain’ tour of NZ with Terry Small 11-18 March 2010
Mind Your Brain tour – Palmerston North: Thursday 11 March 2010
Mind Your Brain tour – Auckland: 12 & 13 March 2010
Mind Your Brain tour – Christchurch: 17th & 18th March 2010
Rosie Boom Home Education Conference: Wanganui 30-31 July 2010
Wanganui Home Educators Conference with Rosie Boom
Some 2010 Coming events
Heart Retreat Matamata 25-27 June 2010.
Homeschool camp October 18-22 2010
2010 Homeschool camp-venue change
2010 Homeschool Camp programme
Coming Events Archives 2009
Home Education Workshop Masterton-20 June 2009
Diana Waring in New Zealand and Australia
Sponsors for the Living Learning Laughing Conferences in New Zealand
Christchurch: Sept 11th and 12th, 2009
Home Education Christchurch Conference Update. 11-12 September
Palmerston North: Tuesday 15 Sept 2009
Hastings: Wed 16 Sept 2009
Auckland: Sat 19 September 2009
Inverell: Tuesday 22 September 2009
Sydney: 25 – 26 September 2009
Maitland: Monday 28th September 2009
Brisbane: 10 October 2009
Melbourne: 16 – 17 October 2009
Adelaide: 19 – 20 October 2009
Canberra: 23 – 24 October 2009
A home schooling family camp: November 17 – 20, 2009
AHE’s History Fair: 22 September
“Why the Referendum Answer is No”: Friday 24 July, 5.30pm
Whangarei Home Educators’ Support Group Annual Symposium: 22 August 2009
Home Education Awareness Week 12 to 17 October 2009
Red Tape Cluster Buster
NZ Family Discipleship Seminar 13 Sept 2014
Introduction to Home Education Foundation
Secular Introduction
A Personal Testimony about Home Education
A Brief History of Home Education in New Zealand by Craig Smith
Our children’s Certificates of Exemption from enrolment at a registered School
Genevieve’s Certificate of Exemption 21/3/86
Zach’s Certificate of Exemption 8/10/87
Alanson’s Certificate of Exemption 26/1/90
Kaitlyn’s exemption October 2006
Grace’s first exemption attempt which was declined the week before Craig died
Grace’s second exemption attempt
Craig Smith 26/1/51 to 30/9/11
Craig’s diary page 1: 8 July to 31 August 2011
Craig’s diary page 2: 1 Sept to 30 Sept 2011
Charmagne’s wedding
Craig Smith’s health page 1
Craig Smith’s Health page 2
Craig Smith’s Health page 3
Craig Smith’s Health page 4
Craig Smith’s Health page 5
Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6
Letter to supporters of the Home Education Foundation
One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7
Thankyou family and friends
Craig Smith 26 January 1951 to 30 September 2011
Craig Smith’s health (copy)
Craig’s Funeral 7 Oct 2011
Zach’s Tribute on behalf of the Craig Smith family
Susan Sullivan’s Tribute (Craig’s sister)
David Waldron’s Tribute on behalf of families (Read by his daughter Naomi)
Tribute: Genevieve
Tribute: Geoffrey Botkin
Affidavite in support of Home Education
Charity Summary
Beyond Covid
submission in support of Home Educators in NSW
Translation Verdict Case no. T 1058-11.pdf
Translation. Verdict Svea Court of Appeal.pdf
Christian family facing deportation for homeschooling
Kenyan Home Educators
Wunderlich family
Welsh Home Educators
Spanish invitation
Titus 2
Essential Oils
Workshop PowerPoints
Post earthquake schooling options
Affidavite in support of Home Education
Make A Submission
The Benefit and Home Schooling
Memorandum – Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill 2012
Making an Oral Submission to the Select Committee
Submission Form
List Of Members Of Parliament September 2012
Submission: Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill
Submission made online
Against forced child care from age 3
Don’t want our rights to raise our children taken from us
Children’s best interests would NOT be served by compulsory attendance at E.C. E. facilities
One size does not fit all.
The bill actively discriminates against beneficiaries
Blatant discrimination of those receiving a benefit
Young children do best in all aspects of life in the care of their family
Healthy people build healthy communities. Healthy family attachments build healthy people.
From a single Mother
ECE doesn’t seem to suit every child
It is institutional misogyny
I strongly disagree that children so young (3 years) need to be in Early Childhood Centre
From a Solicitor and Notary Public and mother of four children
Importance of establishing secure attachment relationships during infancy in order to optimise brain development
I feel my own family will suffer majorly if this Bill was to pass.
I am a 20 year old single male
For many children ‘later’ is better than ‘earlier’ when it comes to institutional education
Three year olds are far too young to be away from their parents
This is unfair and discriminatory
The Bill is discriminatory and marginalises beneficiaries
Motherless and Fatherless children of NZ forced to have the only parent they have taken away!
An enforced separation of parent and child at the hands of government in exchange for financial assistance is both cruel and contrary to the nature of our free society
Every child and every family is different!
This legislation targets good parents – not the bad ones
The government is saying that because I’m a solo parent I’m unable to make the right decisions for my children
This is the worst kind of government interference into how people choose to raise their families
It is offensive that the job my mother has done and so many other single parents do, is so under-valued
ECE is not beneficial and is not and can not be a substitute for a caring, loving home environment
Trust good parents to make good decisions
I am a mother, not a babysitter and I absolutely oppose this bill
Trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, slavery and deception
This is invasive legislation discriminating against excellent parents and removing their freedom to raise their children in a secure loving environment and not going to achieve better lives for neglected children
This proposed bill will show the New Zealand Government to be punitive and untrustworthy
Children do not belong to the state
From Romania: Please learn from the mistakes others did in history! Thank you!
Children need to be with their family, and nurtured, they must not be treated as tools to force parents to comply with this bill.
I also believe it enforces the detachment of children from their parents at an age which can be detrimental for many
The bill falsely presumes that all beneficiaries’ children are at risk
A child’s right is to be with their parents. To be loved and nurtured and protected.
Family Integrity’s submission
In it’s breadth it overshoots and impinges on the basic rights of dedicated and thinking parents such as myself
Please do the right thing and don’t sully New Zealand’s reputation: vote down this bill
It is a well researched, known and documented fact that it is parental involvement that makes the difference in regards to educational outcomes, not the institutional education of a child
Keep our mana intact, don’t steal our children
Reject compulsory ECE
From a small Home Education Support Group
This National government would be well advised and warned to examine carefully the agendas of those who have promoted, lobbied for and recommended the actions in this bill in order to maintain peace, good relations, civility and lawful behaviour in our communities
Introducing this bill will not achieve a healthy end result for the wonderful country we live in
Staying in the home saves everyone money including the government money in not having to fund ECE’s
New Zealand jails are full of people who went to school not people who were home-educated
Submission from the USA — Author of “Raising Real Men: Surviving, Teaching and Appreciating Boys”
To be a beneficiary in Christchurch with an added ‘bonus’ of this reform will utterly destroy some
Those Who Would Give Away Their Children for Money, Deserve Neither Children NOR Money
I believe the Welfare Reform Bill to be invalid not only for human rights breaches but also as a Maori for the breach of Article 2 of the Treaty and the breach of the UNDRIP which was endorsed by government in 2010.
Home-educated children do HALF of all the BAD CITIZEN things and DOUBLE all of the GOOD CITIZEN things
Stephen’s submission
We are people, Real People
Home Education Foundation’s submission
I worked at an Early Childhood Center before our little ones were born, we would never send our children to an Early Childhood Education Center
The negative impact of early education is well documented and well ignored by government
What a step backwards this bill is!
If you are deprived of love and affection as a child then key areas of your brain which are responsible for your personality don’t get wired up correctly
Children, again are the victims – and I call that child abuse
A good government does not come into people’s homes and tell them how to raise their children
I see this Bill as an abuse on young children and their parents
Samuel Blight’s submission
Submission from Poland
Tarnya’s submission
This is a poor attempt at trying to tackle New Zealand’s benefit problems!
Is this law about the mighty dollar or about social engineering?
Are 100% of beneficiaries to be treated as though they need to be kept away from their children
Barbara Smith’s submission
We need your help
Letter to Human Rights Commission
Letter to the Human Rights Commission
Quotes On The Social Security Bill
MP Electorate office for Peaceful Protest
Right of Parents to Choose Education
Sample letter to Select Committee members
2006 Keystone Archives
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