Wanganui Home Educators Workshop 21 February 2009

Wanganui Home Educators Workshop

Date: 21 February 2009

Venue: Wanganui East Baptist Church – cnr Nixon and Moana Streets

Cost: $10.00 per person or $15.00 per family or $5.00 per session

Time: 9am to 5pm

Programme: Coming soon

Speakers: Erena Fussell, Craig and Barbara Smith

Resource Stands:


Geneva Books

Home Education Foundation


Contact and please pre-register with: Lisa  neil.lisa [at] 06 345 8645

Diana Waring is thinking of coming out to New Zealand in 2009


Great news Diana is thinking of coming back to New Zealand and Australia in 2009.

Is anyone interested in helping out with meetings in Auckland, Tauranga, Palmerston North, Blenheim or Christchurch?

Are there any other areas that really, really, really want her to visit?

Diana Waring’s site on the internet is

Home Education Workshop Palmerston North Sat 18 October 2008

Sat 18 October 2008
Home Education Workshop
Palmerston North

Venue: Reformed Church, 541 Ruahine St., Palmerston North
Cost: $15 per family or $5.00 per session
Contact: Barbara, (06) 357-4399,
9:00am – Registration, look at curriculum/books stands
9:15 – Welcome & Notices
9:30-10:30 – 2 Electives
1.Erena Fussell of LearnEx: Living Room Adventures: History alive in your own home! Combine it with related literature and you enliven your study and your children’s minds even more. Examples and discussion time.
2.Craig Smith: Getting Things into Perspective (including Dad’s essential role and how we can reform the future through home education).

10:30-11:00 – Morning Tea, look at stands
11:00-12:30 – 2 Electives
1. Craig Smith: Getting Started / Dealing with MOE & ERO
2. Barbara Smith: Avoiding Burnout-Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough
12:30-1:00 – BYO lunch. Drinks provided, look at stands
1:00-2:30 – 2 Electives
1. Craig: Choosing or Developing Your Own Curriculum
2. Barbara: Training our Children’s Minds-The Tools of Learning and Motivation
2:30-3:00 – Afternoon Tea, look at stands
3:00-4:30 – 2 Electives
1. Craig: Home Educating Through Secondary and Preparing For Tertiary and the Workforce
2. Barbara: Changing the Heart of a Rebel (Christian presentation)
4:30 End/looking at stands

Home schoolers swap teaching tips

Home schoolers swap teaching tips

By JOHN HARTEVELT – The Press | Monday, 28 July 2008

Parents who home school their students compared notes on a surge in their number at a gathering in Christchurch at the weekend.

Home schoolers from Christchurch and around the country met in Bishopdale for a curriculum fair and a series of workshops.

National director of the Home Education Foundation Craig Smith said about 50 people attended and visited seminars which covered topics ranging from classical education to how home education could prevent burnout.

Home schooling appealed to many parents because of the “administrative bullying” of teachers and the public education system in general.

“I hear a lot parents tell me my child’s been at school now for three years and they haven’t learned a darn thing,” Smith said.

The number of children home schooled has grown from about 5280 10 years ago to 6500 in July last year.

Home-schooled children must obtain a certificate of exemption from regular schooling.

The Ministry of Education said home-based schooling must meet the same standards as registered schools.

Kathy Duncan said her four children, aged between five and 12, mixed with a lot of other children who were home schooled.

“Certainly our children wouldn’t socialise with 30 other children the same age as them every day but they do have friends they see regularly,” Duncan said.

Home schooling was a a lifestyle choice, she said.

“It’s not just like having school at home … all of life becomes an education. It’s really hard to separate our life from the education.”

Duncan does not have any teaching qualifications but she said she had “a lot of experience”.

Home schooling is most popular on the West Coast, where 1.9 per cent of children are in home schooling.

The Canterbury Home Educators group has 230 members, representing less than 1% of students in the region.

Smith said aspects of the national assessment programme (NCEA) were “anti-intellectual” and the school curriculum needed to get back to basics and cut out political correctness.

Smith did not want any more Government funding because he feared it would take control of home schoolers.

“The ERO (Education Review Office) is sitting in judgment on the way you as a parent relate to your own child,” he said.