Home Education in France

Latest on French Home Educators from HSLDA

9 January 2007 – HSLDA–French Homeschoolers Need Your Help Immediately!

From the HSLDA E-lert Service…

HSLDA Update (12 Jan 07) – Wonderful News! –Victory for Homeschoolers in France

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

Thank you so much for your calls and emails to the French Embassy. In
an incredible turnaround of events, the sponsor of the restrictive
amendments which would have outlawed homeschooling has withdrawn his

We believe that the international outcry played a pivotal role in
helping secure this victory. The French Minister of the Family,
Philippe Bas, vocally opposed several articles of this huge bill
entitled “Protection de L’Enfance,” which means for “Protection of the
Children.” He specifically opposed the sections regulating and
essentially prohibiting homeschooling, saying in the French
parliament: “As they are, I am not favorable to these amendments
[numbers 127 and 128], I find them too restrictive. . . We must allow
parents who, for instance, have three young children, a mother who is
willing to take care of them and if they have decided to teach them to
read-write-count–if that is their choice of living–provided that we
can verify that the educational job is well done, then that freedom
must be preserved.”

The homeschoolers in France are thankful that their right to teach
their own children will not be taken away. These amendments, if
passed, would have eliminated traditional homeschooling in France,
only allowing homeschooling if the family could prove that it was
necessary for their children to be taught at home due to a handicap or
health reason. This is no longer a concern since these amendments have
been withdrawn.

French homeschoolers can breathe safe once again. Their freedom
remains intact once again.

Thank you, once again, for your willingness to take a few minutes to
communicate your opposition to this draconian bill. We are thankful
for God’s mercy in this situation and that freedom can continue in


Christopher J. Klicka
HSLDA Senior Counsel


January 9, 2007

HSLDA–French Homeschoolers Need Your Help Immediately!

Dear HSLDA members and friends:

French homeschoolers are faced with a draconian bill which will be
voted on by parliament within the next few days. We just received word
about this bill today.

Homeschooling is currently allowed in France. However, this bill would
essentially outlaw homeschooling. No parent would be allowed to
homeschool unless they showed that the health or handicap of their
child makes it necessary for him or her to be taught at home.

In addition, if a family could even prove they have a health issue or
some other “serious” reason to justify their homeschool, they would
then have to submit to a home visit by a government official each
year. Also, their curriculum would be either provided by the “National
Center of Correspondence Teaching (CNED)” or by an approved private
correspondence school.

French homeschoolers believe this bill will essentially outlaw
homeschooling as they know it in France. They plead for your help to
stop this restrictive bill.

Homeschoolers in America have successfully stopped similar legislation
in Ireland, the Czech Republic, and South Africa. In both Ireland and
the Czech Republic, the restrictive homeschooling bills had already
passed one house of parliament before we even got involved. Once we
got involved the bills were stopped.

At this point we need you to communicate with the French Embassy in
Washington, D.C. In a few days we will send another email asking you
to communicate directly with the parliament members.

Please contact as soon as possible, by phone or email, the French
Embassy and give them this message:

“Amendments 127 & 128, which would virtually outlaw homeschooling, are
being voted on by the French parliament. If passed, this would cause a
travesty. We cannot believe that a free country like France would
outlaw such a basic right as parents choosing to homeschool their
children. Over two million children are being successfully
homeschooled in America and over 6000 in New Zealand. Homeschooling works. We ask that you
immediately convey to the French government our concern and request
that the bill language prohibiting homeschooling in nearly all
circumstances be withdrawn.”

Also, explain in a paragraph or two the wonderful success you have had
with homeschooling.

Ambassador Jean-David Levitte
(202) 944-6000

New Zealand information
French Ambassador to New-Zealand
H.E.M. Jean-Michel Marlaud

Telephone Numbers
(+64) (04) 384 2555 (main line)

Fax numbers
(+64) (04) 384 2577 (Embassy)
(+64) (04) 384 2579 (Consulate)

Email Addresses

Embassy: amba.france@actrix.gen.nz
Consulate: consul.france@actrix.gen.nz


If you want to you can sign this petition:


Homeschooling has long been allowed in France. Homeschoolers have to
have regular testing and sometimes they are visited by an official,
but for the most part operate freely. This bill would completely
change that legal atmosphere and make it impossible for 95% of
homeschoolers to operate.

Please take time to help our brothers and sisters in France, where the
homeschool movement is small and they do not have a lot of
organizations or numbers. Nonetheless, there are many sincere parents
who love their children and want to faithfully teach them at home
principles from the Word of God and personally train their children.

If homeschoolers don’t try to help, who will? Please take a moment and
contact the French Embassy.

Thank you.
Christopher J. Klicka
HSLDA Senior Counsel