Free Homeschooling Worksheets

Links to free homeschooling worksheets!

So if you are looking to supplement your homeschool curriculum with some printable worksheets for homeschooling then try here:

Read more:

Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:



2 thoughts on “Free Homeschooling Worksheets

  1. Hi Barbara.
    I am just starting to homeschool my 6 year old daughter but i’m struggling to figure out what programme i should enrol in. We have our exemption but now i am stuck.
    Any help you can give me would be sincerely appreciated.
    Cheers Janice

  2. Janice,

    Welcome to the home schooling world.

    There are heaps of programmes out there and heaps of people put together their own programmes. It would be good if you could talk to a few families so that you can see what they are doing. Do you know any home educators in your area that you can talk to? Here is an article that I wrote sometime ago. On an email discussion group someone asked “What do you do with your 5 year old?” I wrote back this is what I do with my 0-10/12 year old:

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