Kevin Swanson speaker at the Family conferences Christchuch 1 & 2 and Auckland 3 & 4

These conferences are 4 different events with the main conferences being on 1 June in Christchurch and 3 June in Auckland.


Auckland and Christchurch “Building a God-Centered Family” conferences happening on the 1st and 3rd of June (

More on one of the speakers:  Kevin Swanson

Kevin SwansonKevin Swanson

This is part of a conference tour covering two locations in New Zealand and three in Australia, featuring three speakers from the US well-known for their passionate vision for Christian family life as informed by the Scriptures. One of the speakers, Kevin Swanson, is a well-regarded radio host and the director of Generations with Vision, a program which comments on culture, family life, and child-rearing. The program reaches tens of thousands of listeners in over 100 countries.

Recently, Mr Swanson’s state of Colorado has been debating a same-sex redefinition of marriage. This occurs just weeks after New Zealand redefined marriage, and as Australia considers its own redefinition of marriage. Although this is a topic which legislatures across the world have only been discussing for the last few years, Mr Swanson believes the battle was already being fought in classrooms two generations ago.

“What in the world happened to Western civilisation?” asks Mr Swanson. “Why are 80-97% of children raised in Christian homes walking away from the faith in this generation? In case you’ve missed it, we are in a gigantic war of the worldviews and Christians are losing in Western world.”

Recently, while writing his book Apostate Mr Swanson did research into the lives, ideas, roots, and fruits of the great men who made the modern world what it is. “I knew the battle was intellectual. It is just that I didn’t fully realize the spiritual element of it. On the one hand, it is a story of demonic possession, insanity, suicide, mass-murder, adultery, homosexuality, cultural and social revolutions, and unbridled, maniacal apostasy. It is the story of apostasy on a massive scale. But it is also a story of hope and victory for the last men standing in the ashes of Western civilization. It will be a testimony to the inevitable triumph of Jesus Christ over the great men of renown who picked the wrong fight in the history of the West.”

Mr Swanson believes that the foundations for the dissolution and redefinition of the modern family in 21st-century Colorado, Australia, and yes–New Zealand–ultimately have their roots in the ideas and worldviews preached by anti-Christian intellectuals decades ago in philosophy departments and classrooms. But Mr Swanson says there is reason for Christians to hope.

Come to the conference to find out more:

1 & 2 June Building a God-Centered Family: Christchurch June 1 & 2 (one day separate events)

3 & 4 June Building a God-Centered Family: Auckland June 3 & 4 (one day separate events)


From the Smiths:

Updated 1 May 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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