Stop the Ban on Home Education in The Netherlands – Please sign this petition

From the organisers of the Petition: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Thuisonderwijs

We wanted to share a little update about what is currently happening in the Netherlands. On the 14th of November, the Education committee of the House of Representatives will hold a round table discussion about the constitutional freedom of teaching. Tonnie Nijenhuis, Chair of the NVvTO, has been invited to participate. This discussion can be followed live at choose “Thorbeckezaal”.

On November 14th, 14.00 local time, we will also present both the Dutch and international petitions to the House of Representatives. This means the petitions will close the day before. Please help us gather just some more signatures by sharing our petition widely in the coming final days.

Home educators have been featured recently on the radio, newspapers, magazines and on television. We are involved in various activities to help stop the ban. We want to show everyone what home education can look like in a positive and playful manner. Two new websites have gone public:, “this is home education” and, with arguments for the “right to home educate”. We will translate those in English as well.

A ‘Friends of Home Education in the Netherlands’ Facebook page was created to invite the international community to connect with our home education community here in the Netherlands. Please go there for updates and for fun and interesting stories about our country.

More information can be found at

Kind regards,
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Thuisonderwijs

“Stop the Ban on Home Education in The Netherlands.”

Please sign this Petition

View the petition


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From the Smiths:

Updated: 30 September 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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