Homeschooling In Real Life

Our good friends Andy and Kendra Fletcher answer your difficult questions about home education, the Christian life and just life in general. The archives can be found at the link below. (Craig and I are mentioned in episode 20


Homeschooling In Real Life

Hosts: Andy and Kendra Fletcher
Discussing the topics that you might not find covered at your local homeschooling convention, veteran homeschooling parents and bloggers, Andy and Kendra Fletcher, use humor and honesty to pull the veil back on Christian homeschooling.

These witty podcasters like to poke sticks at the conventional and with heaps of grace they will confront a few of the sacred cows that Christian homeschoolers like to worship. Their love for the Gospel will remind their listeners on every episode of the freedom that Christ pours out in generous amounts. Grace Wins!

Join Fletch (from theMangoTimes) and Kendra (from Preschoolers and Peace) every two weeks as they interview guests and talk through some of the goofiness they have experienced in nearly two decades of Homeschooling In Real Life.


Upcoming Episodes:

7/18/14 – Homeschooling Through Hard Times
8/1/14 – Homeschooling in New York City

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