Isolation education/unschooling/schooling

A reminder, especially to those new here, we are all Isolation Educating/Unschooling/Schooling.

This is not Home Education/Unschooling/Schooling.

Home Education/Unschooling looks so very different with so very different support networks. We are all missing the groups we used to attend, the meet ups we used to enjoy etc. That is so for, us as parents, and for our children.

This Post is about the current lockdown and and how we can get encouragement and make education work for our families while we are all in lockdown – for those who are wanting to home educate, unschool, looking into bringing children home in the long run, or would rather have their children in school (or have no alternative but have their children in school).  

We want to be sharing with each other how we are making Isolation Education/Unschooling/Schooling work.

Please share what is working for you.

Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
Information on getting started:
Information on getting an exemption:
This link is motivational:
Exemption Form online:

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