NCHENZ Survey closing this weekend – Please fill it out asap

Updated 2/3/15: Survey now closed

This survey is closing this weekend. If you have not already filled it out then please consider doing so asap. The more people who take part in the research the better the study will be and the more help NCHENZ can be to the home educating community.

From NCHENZ – National Council of New Zealand

The NCHENZ would like to hear from all Home Educators not just members.

The 2015 Home Education Survey

February 2015

As you may remember we ran our first Home Education survey in November 2013.  We chose to do this because there were very few studies of home education carried out in New Zealand and therefore very little understanding of the breadth and depth of the community.  This continues to be the case. (From HEF: The Home Education Foundation via TEACH Bulletin did a few survey’s back in the ’80s and ’90s but there have been none in the last 15 or so years except for NCHENZ’s survey back in 2013.)

We are once again hoping to gain a good overview of our existing NCHENZ members; your aims, your concerns and, of course, some basic statistics.
The gathered results may be used to promote the positive aspects of home education, as well as to dispel any myths or misunderstandings held by others in the wider community.  It also informs the direction and issues the NCHENZ committee address within our advocacy role.

Please note that this survey is anonymous.  We are not collecting any identifiable information about respondents with one specific exception which will become clear when you reach the end of the survey.  In this instance it is totally voluntary to answer this question.
Individual responses within the survey will not be shared.  Collated information can and may be shared.  Please see how the 2013 information has been handled by clicking on this link to the Survey Summary pdf file.

As you are not identifiable, we ask that you respect the intent of the survey, and fill it in as accurately and fairly as possible.
The survey should take you approximately five to ten minutes to complete and, hopefully, the questions are self-explanatory.  Please complete it at one sitting as it is not possible to return to alter your responses should you exit part way through. The survey will be available until 7pm on the 22nd February, after which time we will be closing it to further entries.

You are welcome to forward this email on to home educating friends who are not currently members of NCHENZ for them to contribute to the survey.  There is a link at the bottom of this email that allows you to do this.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to contact us by email.

On behalf of the National Council of Home Educators New Zealand,

NCHENZ Executive Committee

In the early days of Home Education in New Zealand Craig organised a number of surveys through Keystone and TEACH Bulletin. It was good to get as many home educators as possible to answer the surveys. These surveys were very helpful.

I don’t think any surveys have been done for at least 15 years now except for the NCHENZ 2013 survey.

There have been a couple of indepth studies done in the last 10 years.

Beyond Homeschooling NZ 2013 by Jenny Barkley


PhD study on Home Education in New Zealand

It would be wonderful if as many people as possible filled out this anonymous survey being done by NCHENZ.

TEACH magazine surveys are not online at the moment


Please share this information – thanks


Updated 1 October 2014:  Three years on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


Red Tape Cluster Buster Meetings and the Scoping Survey: