Training our Children

training_children1.JPGtraining_children.JPG by Craig and Barbara Smith


35 page A4 compilation (bound photocopy)Some of New Zealand pioneer Home Educators Craig and Barbara Smith’s best advice borrowed & original, re-worked & developed over 23 years of training their own six children (two adopted) and fostering many others. Topics covered include reading aloud, the art of buying used books, home discipleship, training our children’s minds, training our children to worship … and more!Features:

  • Reading Aloud
  • The Art of Buying Used Books
  • Learning to Read & Reading to Learn
  • Home Discipleship
  • Training Our Children’s Minds
  • Training Our Children to Worship
  • Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough
  • Please note:To order, Please contact us by Email, fax, phone, or post. Details on Contact Us page.