Legal Issues

Your child does not need to be enrolled in any school until s/he turns six.A couple of months before this, in order to legally home educate, you need to contact the Ministry of Education to obtain an application for a “Certificate of Exemption” from the legal requirement that all children in NZ aged 6 to 16 be both enrolled and attending a registered school.
After six months of home educating with a Certificateof Exemption, you qualify for an annual “supervisory allowance” from the Ministry of $743 for the first child, $632 for the second, $521 for the third, and $372 for each one after that.
This is paid in two installments by direct credit to your bank account twice a year as long as you also sign a statutory declaration document sent to you by the MoE every six months affirming that you are still teaching the child(ren) “as regularly and well as in a registered school”.
There may also be another check up on you in the form of a review of your home education programme by the Education Review Office (ERO), but not every home educator has this experience.To apply for a Certificate of Exemption, contact the Ministry of Education. (or to find their phone number, look under “Education” in the blue section at the begining of your phone book)

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