A message from Michael Farris, Chairman, HSLDA about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This is happening in New Zealand

Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override every decision of a parent of disabled children if the government thinks that its views are in “the best interest of the child.”

It is much harder for parents with disabled children to get exemptions in New Zealand. The education act has singled out children needing special                 education.

...requirements of section 20 of this Education Act 1989,---
   (a) On the parent's application; and
   (b) If satisfied that the person---
           (i) Will be taught at least as regularly and
well as in a registered school; or
           (ii) In the case of a person who would other-
wise be likely to need special education, will be taught
at least as regularly and well as in a special class or
clinic or by a special service.
The Government thinks they can give these children a better
education in "main stream" classes. Parents know that their
children are struggling in these classes so decide to home
school them. They are finding it much harder to get an exemption
for their special needs children than it is for their other

If you are in the USA please follow the instruction below from 
Michael Farris.

Senator Kerry: We’ll Pass the CRPD by July 26

Michael Farris is founder and chairman of HSLDA, and homeschooling father of 10. Read more >>

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,

Senator John Kerry announced yesterday that he plans to pass the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities before July 26—just 13 days from today. He has scheduled a formal committee vote next Thursday—July 19. This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or consideration.

Yesterday’s “hearing” was a carefully orchestrated attempt to get this treaty ratified without any serious consideration. There were nine total witnesses. Only two people opposed to the treaty were allowed to testify—Steven Groves from Heritage Foundation and me.

False Ideas

The administration seeks to promote two ideas that are simply inaccurate: 1. Disabled Americans who travel overseas will directly benefit by U.S. ratification of this treaty; 2. Ratifying a treaty does not require us to comply with international law.

They are arguing that a treaty is an empty promise with no actual substance. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes it clear that the administration is wrong. Treaties form a part of the Supreme Law of the Land once ratified.

And no one even attempted a serious answer to our core parental rights concern.

Article 7 of the UNCRPD gives government the ability to override every decision of a parent of disabled children if the government thinks that its views are in “the best interest of the child.”

Parental Rights at Stake

This is a radical attempt to take away parental rights. Make no mistake—if they succeed at ratifying this treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is next. This is not a battle just for parents with disabled and special needs children. This is a battle for every parent.

We absolutely must flood the U.S. Senate with phone calls. Senator Durbin mentioned that they were hearing from homeschoolers (and he was annoyed at us for voicing our opinion of his side’s planned assault on parental rights.) But, we need to do even more.

This is the most important issue that we will face this year. By July 26—up or down—we will either take another step toward becoming the subjects of a world government or we will preserve our rights as American citizens.

I urge you all in the strongest possible terms—call both of your U.S. senators today. If you have called them in their Washington, D.C. office—call them again in their in-state district offices which you can find online.

The Capitol Switchboard’s phone number is 202-224-3121, or use HSLDA’s Legislative Toolbox.

Get everyone you know to call their senators as well. Network. Facebook. Phone lists. Every place you can network—please do it.

And pray like mad.

Taking away our parental rights won’t build wheelchair ramps for disabled Americans who travel to other countries. The promise being made that this treaty will result in new accessibility options in foreign countries is an illusion.

The demise of our parental rights is a certainty.

Call. Call. Pray. And Call.

Michael P. Farris, J.D., LL.M.
Chairman, HSLDA


From the Smiths:


Updated  8 July 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:




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