The Boar’s Head Madrigal Dinner: Auditions 4 August 2012

The Boar’s Head Madrigal Dinner 


Calling all children and parents!! 🙂

We have been asked by many people to put on a Family Friendly Production this Christmas, to give viewers a godly alternative: a fun, musical theatre show to enjoy. It is only very recently that we found, and got the performance rights for, such a show. But we can only put it on with your help! The show is called The Boar’s Head Madrigal Dinner and is paired with John Rutter’s fabulous Reluctant Dragon. It is a dinner show, set in the Middle Ages, and the entire show is based around a feast, in which the audience will share. The characters are all guests, or performers, at King Harry’s Madrigal Christmas dinner, and all the action is authentic to the way a Madrigal Dinner would really have been conducted. The main entertainment, at the heart of the Feast, is the short musical The Reluctant Dragon. This delightful short is masterfully woven into the feast, and is the part in which we will ask the most from you, the performers. The show finishes with all the traditional Christmas carols.

Auditions will be held on Saturday, the 4
th of August, 2012 at All Saints Church hall. Please contact us directly to receive an audition time! 🙂

All are welcome to come to the auditions as there are many main sections that we need! Children, adults, dancers, singers, actors and crew are all wanted. Some of the main parts that we need are as follows:

We Need:

  • The Madrigal Singers – top quality adult choristers who can hold parts well
  • Herald – (preferably a man) speaking part
  • King Harry – minor speaking part
  • Lord of Misrule – the court jester, who leads the main part of the show and also narrates
  • The Boy – major singing/speaking part in The Reluctant Dragon, soprano/treble
  • Dragon – major singing/speaking part in The Reluctant Dragon, tenor
  • Sir George – major singing/speaking part in The Reluctant Dragon, baritone
  • Feast Guests/Villagers – various speaking/singing roles
  • Dancers
  • Children
  • Trumpeter (and some other musicians)
  • Extras – there are lots of great roles for people who don’t get main parts


  • Dancers will be required to come with a 1 minute long prepared dance to show us. Music would need to be on a CD (no other format, thank you!)
  • Singers would need to be able to sing one verse of Silent Night from memory.
  • Actors will need to come prepared to read aloud a portion of the script.

As the end of year is busy for everyone, we expect that we will try to keep rehearsals to a minimum. Madrigal singers, dancers, the Boy, the Dragon and Sir George, will be expected to attend more rehearsals, as their parts are the hardest (the rehearsals will be kept prompt). It will be up to people to learn their own music and lines!! 🙂

We will be performing “The Boar’s Head Madrigal Dinner” in the evenings of Tuesday, 11th of December, Thursday, 13th of December, and Friday, 14th of December, ending with two performances on Saturday, the 15th of December 2012, DV (please note that these dates are after school term has ended). But please remember, we can’t do this without you!! We want to bring Palmerston North a great show as a gift this Christmas and we hope you will participate in bringing the gift with us.

You MUST RSVP to us in order to receive an audition time. You can do this by filling in a contact form, through our website 
or by emailing <>  us, or alternatively using the contact details below. Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone you feel might be interested!

Nina Donkin
Production Secretary
06 353 6625 


From the Smiths:

Updated  8 July 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


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