Alanson’s Certificate of Exemption 26/1/90

We do not have our first letter to the MoE in Wanganui. But I would imagine that it would be similar to the letters we wrote for Genevieve and Zach’s exemptions.

28 November 1989

Dear Mr and Mrs Smith

I acknowledge receipt of your request for school exemption for Alanson …… …… ……

With the passing of the new Education Act 1989 there have been some changes relating to Home Schooling. I am enclosing the information that I have availabale. There is no need to send in another application form but I do need to have a broad outline of the curriculum subjects covered each week and the approximate time that you try to devote to each on a weekly basis.

I also need to know how you intend to evaluate reading and mathematics. Please note that the P.A.Ts are becoming outdated, especially the mathematics P.A.T.

Woud you please forward the above information to me. Our new exemption form has a space for the above required information. However, I see no reason to ask you to rewrite all the basic information that you’ve sent.

Yours sincerely

Margaret Palmer

Liaison Officer

Our response:

28 December 1989

Dear Miss Palmer

Thank you for your letter of 28 November regarding the exemption for our son Alanson …… …… ……

Alanson’s curriculum will initially consist almost exclusively of maths and reading. These are both easy to evaluate. In Maths, as we progress from one concept to another, either he will know the concept or he will not. Until he masters one concept we will not move on to the next in the text books I am using. In reading, he either knows the letters or not; he either knows their respective sounds or he does not; he either knows how to blend the sounds or he does not, and so forth. I aim to do at least 1/2 hour intensive work with him in each of these two areas five days a week.

He will be exposed to and participate in history, geography, science, music, art, home economics and physical education in many ways for the rest of the day. He already participates in the lecture and reading sessions with the other children we are home schooling; has regular jobs around the house and property; designs his own art and craft projects almost daily as we have no TV; loves bouncing on our tramp, softball and archery.

Once he has mastered reading I will present him with more formal instruction in science, history and geography.

Yours sincerely

MoE’s Response

Please find enclosed the exemption certificate for Alanson.

There is a need however for you to expand the evaluation techniques in reading, as the methods you indicated on the application form cover only one aspect of the reading process – phonetic word attack.

I have talked to the District Reading Adviser for this district Mr Peter Jamieson, C/- Advisory Service, Box 4076, Wanganui and he has confirmed that the following book is still available and useful for parents. As a school principal in the early 1980s many of my junior class pupils parents found the book helpful. It is called “Reading Matters” by Brian Cutting.

Your local school will also hold a set of tapes, “On the Way to Reading” and an explanatory booklet. Mr Jamieson also holds a set. this may also prove of interest to you and they could be borrowed from the loal school if willing to lend them or Mr Jamieson.

I hope the above information will prove helpful.

Yours sincerely

Margatet Palmer

Liaison Officer

The enclosed exemption:

Certificate of Exemption for Alanson …… …… …… dated 26/1/90 and in compliance with the Education Act 2989, I (Margaret Palmer for Don Burney) agree to this exemption form enrolment on the grounds that the child/children will be taught at least as regularly, and as well as in a registered school.

NOTE This Certificate of Exemption can be cancelled at any time by the Secretary (acting on a report from the Chief Review Officer) if the Secretary   considers that the ground on which the certificate was granted no longer exists or has become in the particular case no longer such as to warrent the continuance of the exemption.

At least once a year, with prior arrangement, you will receive a visit from an officer of the Education Review Office, who will review your educational programme.

If you change your address you should inform the District Manager. If your change of address involves a move to another education district. you should contact the new District Manager immediately on arrival.


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