Father son retreat: Tasmania 31 August – 1 September 2012

Norm Wakefield is the founder of Elijah Ministries which was established while he served as pastor of Coast Community Church in Fountain Valley, CA. Believing that strong, effective churches consist of strong families and that such families are led by men whose hearts are turned toward their families, the vision of Elijah Ministries is to build up the local church by equipping men to lead their families according to God’s power. Norm ministers through speaking at homeschool conventions and conferences, through audio and video taped messages, and through written materials.

Elijah Ministries is based on the promise of God in Malachi 4:5-6. “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. And he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse.” God is doing a marvelous thing in the hearts of fathers all across the United States. As He turns the hearts of fathers to their wives and children, He also is turning the hearts of children to their fathers. In this way, the next generation is being prepared for the Lord, and in them lies the hope of the church of Jesus Christ being transformed and increasing in effectiveness.

Norm and his family are now living in Bulverde, Texas. Norm and Alma have four children. Abby (32 and married with four children), Alyssa (30, married with six children), Micah (27 and married with two children), and Amanda (25). Family, work, church, and sports have a place in most men’s lives. Experience as a high school and college athlete, a school teacher and coach, a father of four (homeschool 16 yrs.), a husband of 35 years, a worship leader (plays the guitar and sings), youth minister, seminary graduate, and pastor gives Norm a broad range of experience with which to relate to men and their families. His keynote messages and workshops penetrate the heart and are designed to point his listeners to a vital relationship with Jesus Christ.

Father son retreat in southern Tasmania

Friday 31 August to Saturday 1 September 2012

Friday Night Session 1 – It’s a Matter of Identity

When a child doesn’t know who he is, who he belongs to, or where his power source lies, he is left searching for someone to imitate. Insights from the Identity Principles helps parents understand God’s plan for preparing the next generation for life. You’ll learn how to “seal” your child’s identity and secure their heart.

Saturday Morning Session 1 – The Calling Out of Sons: What’s a Father to Do?

For generations, fathers have done the best they could with what they had. But what many didn’t have was vision for what to do with their sons. Hopefully this session will have a generational effect as fathers learn how to help their sons transition from boyhood to manhood. This message also explains why many in this generation struggle in marriage and parenting.

Saturday Morning Session 2 – Rising to the Call: Understanding God’s Calling in Our Lives

What does it mean to have a “calling”? Most men think of their vocation as their “calling”, but there are other callings in life that are more important. Faithfulness in each calling is preparation for the next calling in life. If fathers don’t understand their callings and how to teach their children about their callings in life, the next generation won’t be prepared for them. If we can define our callings, then we can rise to the call of God in our lives.

Saturday Afternoon Session 3 – The Importance of God’s Forerunners

Like John the Baptist was the forerunner for Jesus Christ to the nation of Israel, fathers are the forerunners for Jesus Christ to their sons. Learn what the responsibilities are of a forerunner as well as a disciple. Saturday Afternoon

Session 4 – The Spirit of Elijah: The Father/Son Relationship

Do you want to build a godly legacy that will last generations? Norm shows God’s plan for preparing the next generation for the Lord with an overview of a century of biblical history. The Spirit of Elijah, the Holy Spirit, turns the hearts of men to God, their sons so that the next generation may be prepared to walk with God.

Contact Ashley Dales for further information or follow this link to register.

This retreat will be held at the Seabrook Christian School.

View Google map for directions

For mor information: http://www.trainingchildren.com.au/index.php/events/item/79-father-son-retreat


From the Smiths:


Updated 10 August 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


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