Language Perfect

Message from Erin:
Hi there!
Language Perfect  is a NZ company and currently Australasia’s most popular web-based vocabulary tool. It’s used by hundreds of NZ schools and is an excellent complement to learning a second (or third or fourth!) language.Here’s what they are offering for 2013:Let’s run an online event that is open to every home-school student in your network. Students may have a free login from 1st February until the 1st April, during which they may learn vocabulary and go in the draw to win a $20 iTunes voucher. Every 50 points they earn will get them another entry into the draw. Please feel free to invite any language student by spreading the word at these events and through email.Students can register and become part of the same class by registering through this link:  Using this registration code: FWXV1RJH

Here is a quick video that you may distribute that shows how students may register and log into the program:

If you like using Language Perfect then you can register for the rest of 2013 for $15. That will give you access to ALL languages available as well as entry into the 2013 Language Perfect World Championships in May with the chance to win amazing prizes as well as excellent motivation to learn more foreign languages!I’ve used Language Perfect for a few years now and my two girls love it. Last year we had a small group of home educated students who competed in the World Championships – I’ve posted the results below in case anyone wants to see them.

This is an amazing deal so give it a go and see if you like it!
Erin Parkinson

Total Questions Answered: 83,462
Competing students: 16
School Achievements:
• 312th overall globally (out of 802 schools)
• 84th overall in New Zealand (out of 211 schools)
• 24th overall in the 1-50 students category (out of 241 schools)
• 10th in New Zealand for the 1-50 students category (out of 83 schools)
• 45th overall in Spanish (out of 518 schools)
• 15th for Italian in New Zealand (out of 120 schools)
• 1st for Italian in New Zealand for the 1-50 students category (out of 29 schools)
• 9th for Greek in New Zealand (out of 23 schools)
• 4th for Spanish in the 1-50 students category (out of 113 schools)
• 11th for Samoan in New Zealand (out of 12 schools)



From the Smiths:

Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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