How do we deal with unexpected events while we’re trying to homeschool?

My friend, Kendra,  at Preschoolers and Peace was asked this question recently:

I’d love to know how you tackle the unexpected in the school year? Kids progressing more quickly/slowly than you anticipated, different learning styles, unexpected life circumstances, etc.

For example, I realized very early on this year that the same reading curriculum I used for my son and was planning to use for my daughter was not the right choice for her. I then had to make a quick (or not so quick) change.

I also found out I was pregnant (yay!) and (surprise! – my baby was only 8 mo. old) and so many plans I had hoped to have were down the drain due to nausea. Ugh. Would you say you are flexible with your plan or do you pretty much stick to it strictly throughout the year? Or somewhere in between?

Read her answer here:

Kendra also says
We’ve dealt with some very unexpected events as we’ve homeschooled over the last 16 years. Moving, morning sickness, death, hospitalization, job loss — how do you deal with unexpected events while homeschooling?

Leave your answer here:


From the Smiths:

Updated 2 February 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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