Cruise within the Kaipara

I have an email from Lisa who is the leader of the Kaipara Homeschool Group she is organising a cruise within the Kaipara. They need more adults to make the cruise a child-friendly one.

I have been speaking to the organiser, Gaye Somers, and she is offering to give us a special deal for the homeschool group. Instead of being $35 per adult it would be $30 per adult, and children 5 to 14 yrs $12 instead of $15. Children 0-4 are free. The date would be Wednesday the 22nd October 11am – 2pm. BYO lunch. We would need at least 30 paying adults (they take 100 passengers) and then we could have the boat just for our group and then the commentary would be tailored to the needs of the children. The trip would only go for just over 3 hours instead of 4 hours so it is doable for kids.

The cruise features:

  • Old Kauri Mill Sites
  • Maori Pa Sites
  • NZ’s largest inland river systems
  • Working oyster and mussel farms
  • Remote Historic Settlements
  • Takahoa Bay
  • Historic 1860 Batley Hotel
  • Many bays and inlets accessible only by boat
  • Birdlife, ecology, nature and historic cruise
  • Informative commentary as the sites as passed by

For more information here is their website below:

The cruise leaves from Pahi Wharf – google map below,+Pahi+0571/@-36.131224,174.2289201,14z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x6d0c5e2cdcde8101:0xb2648d6417ffa960

The deadline is this Sunday – we have 14 adults so far.

Thanks so much.

Kind regards,

Lisa Liggett 🙂

Kaipara Homeschool Group Co-ordinator

Ph: 09 439 1330

Cell: 021 117 9667



From the Smiths:

Updated 1 October 2014:  Three years on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:
