Age Distribution of Homeschoolers

Of those being homeschooled, 61.3 per cent were in the primary school age range (5-12 years old).

Table 1: Number of Homeschoolers by Age and Gender as at 1 July 2011
Age Male Female Total
5 2 5 7
6 209 231 440
7 295 269 564
8 278 269 547
9 283 300 583
10 302 331 633
11 309 292 601
12 335 288 623
13 299 305 604
14 299 274 573
15 288 271 559
16 160 147 307
17 111 122 233
18 55 65 120
19 27 28 55
20 23 18 41
21 11 13 24
22 1 1 2
23 1 0 1
Total 3,288 3,229 6,517

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One thought on “Age Distribution of Homeschoolers

  1. I’m heartened to see reasonable numbers of hsers to age 15, though note a significant dip in raw numbers for 6 year olds.
    Are less applying? less succeeding in gaining exemption?
    or been put off by the antics of MOE agents?
    Are less people aware of homeschooling as an option for educating their children?

    Maybe we need to write articles in our local newspapers (the Education supplements must be coming out soon, contact local rags for inclusion)
    or appear on education forums in our local kindys, churches, schools, mother’s groups, etc.

    Thanks for publishing the statistics,

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