Nelson Home Eduction Workshop 26 March 2011

26 March 2011

Venue: Brightwater Anglican Church hall, 68 Waimea West Road, Brightwater


Contact: Elaine 03 5418802

Cost: $15.00 per family including grandparents, or $5.00 per session

9:00am Registration

9:15am Welcome

9:30am  Keynote message:  Craig Smith

“Home Education From a Biblical Perspective”

10:30am Morning tea

11:00 2 Electives

1. “Reforming the Future through Home Education” Craig

2. “Avoiding Burnout – Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough” Barbara

12:30 lunch break  Bring your own lunch – drinks available

1:00 2 electives

1. “Choosing or Developing Your Own Curriculum” and “The Vital Nature of Reading Aloud” Craig

2. “Training our Children to Worship” Barbara

2:00 afternoon tea

2:30  2 electives

1. “Home Educating Through Secondary and Preparing For Tertiary Education and the Workforce” Craig

2. “Keeping Going in Home Education” Barbarra

4:00pm Question Time

Conference finishes