New website features the just-released documentary “My Mummy’s A Criminal”


17 July 2011

Website Launched to Protect Good Families From Smacking Law

Family First NZ has launched a website to give support to good families who are at risk of police and CYF intervention because of the anti-smacking law.

“The politicians entered every family home in 2007 with an attitude of ‘we know best’ and removed the right of good Kiwi parents to raise their children as they see fit in a reasonable and non-abusive way,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

“Despite assurances to the contrary, families have been torn apart, accused of lying and dragged through the courts with disturbing results.”

The website features the just-released documentary “My Mummy’s A Criminal” which highlights five families who have been criminalised as a result of the anti-smacking law.

The new website also has additional resources for families including legal advice for parents from six lawyers, the experience of parents, why the Prime Minister’s ‘Latta’ review was flawed, the research on why smacking is not child abuse, and what the real causes are.

“Parenting in New Zealand has been put on trial. The politicians have dealt a heavy legislative blow to parents, and parents are feeling disempowered, disrespected, and demonised as child abusers.”

“We all desperately want to tackle our unacceptable rates of child abuse. But it’s time we targeted rotten and dysfunctional parents where children really are at risk, rather than good parents who are simply trying to raise great kids. We should be supporting good parents – not criminalising them,” says Mr McCoskrie.

“Ex-Prime Minister Helen Clark was quite right when she said that a ban on smacking would defy human nature. This website will protect good kiwi parents until the politicians see fit to amend a law which has been labelled by the current Prime Minister John Key as a ‘dog’s breakfast’.”


For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

Bob McCoskrie – National Director

Mob. 027 55 555 42

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