Home Educators Did It

Home Educated or Privately Tutored Achievers:
(from Rainbow Resource Centre)
Claude Monet
Leonardo da Vinci
Jamie Wyeth
Andrew Wyeth
John Singleton Copley

Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison
Alec Issigonis
Cyrus McCormick
Wright Brothers
CWF Hamilton

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Anton Bruckner
Felix Mendelssohn
Francis Poulenc
Conlon Nancarrow
Irving Berlin
Yehudi Menuhin

Blaise Pascal
Pierre Curie
Albert Einstein
Brooker T. Washington
George Washington Carver

Agatha Christie
C.S. Lewis
George Bernard Shaw
Noel Coward
D.H. Lawrence
Hans Christian Anderson
Charles Dickens
Mark Twain
Margaret Mead
Sean O’Casey
Rumer Godden
Brett Harte
Phillis Wheatley
Mercy Warren
Pearl S. Buck
Bill Richards, NZ author

Religious Leaders:
Joan of Arc
Brigham Young
John & Charles Wesley
Jonathan Edwards
John Owen
William Carey
Dwight L. Moody
John Newton

Charles Chaplin, actor
Florence Nightingale, nurse
John Burroughs, naturalist
Charles Louis Montesquieu, philosopher
Albert Schweitzer, physician
George Rogers Clark, explorer
Andrew Carnegie, industrialist
Bill Ridell, newspaperman
Will Rogers, humorist
Tamara McKinney, world cup skier
Jim Ryan, world runner
Ansel Adams, photographer
John Stuart Mill, economist
John Paul Jones, father of American Navy
Clara Barton, started the Red Cross
Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams
Martha Washington, wife of George W.
Gerald Durrell, naturalist and author

Winston Churchill
Konrad Adenauer
Benjamin Franklin
Patrick Henry
William Penn
Henry Clay

American Presidents:
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
John Quincy Adams
James Madison
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
Abraham Lincoln
Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

US Supreme Court Judges
John Jay
John Marshall
John Rutledge
Susan Day O’Connor (first female USSC Judge)

US Constitutional Convention Delegates:
George Clymer, US Representative
Charles Pickney III, Governor of S. Carolina
John Francis Mercer, US Representative
George Wythe, Justice of Virginia High Court
William Blount, US Senator
Richard D. Spaight, Governor of N. Carolina
William Livingston, Governor of New Jersey
Richard Basset, Governor of Delaware
William Houston, lawyer
William Few, US Senator
George Mason

American University Educators:
Frank Vandiver, President, Texas A & M
Fred Terman, President, Stanford
William Samuel Johnson, President, Columbia
John Witherspoon, President, Princeton